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Title: Undergraduate Academic Standing
Subject: Academic Affairs
Policy No: AA: 2017: 02
Applies: University-Wide
Issuing Authority: Sr. Vice President and Provost
Responsible Officer: Deans
Last Revision: 10/04/14
Last Reviewed: 10/20/2016


This purpose of this policy is to outline the standards for academic standing which apply to all matriculated undergraduate students.



Under direction of the Provost, all Deans and Department Chairs shall implement this policy and all faculty shall ensure compliance with the policy.


This policy applies to all students of Rowan University.


  1. Rowan University has established standards for academic standing which apply to all matriculated undergraduate students as follows: Students who have attempted 15 or more semester hour credits and have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.0 are considered to be in good academic standing.

  2. Academic Probation (for GPA Falling Below 2.0)
    1. At the end of each Spring semester, matriculated undergraduate students who have attempted 15 credits or more and have a cumulative GPA below 2.0 are placed on academic probation. This probationary period begins with the Fall semester. Students have one academic year in which to achieve a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0. Those who have not attained a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 by this time will be dismissed from the university.
    2. In addition,
      1. Full-time students must attempt 12 or more credits each semester of probation. An attempted credit is defined as credit for any courses in which a student receives a grade of A, B, C, D, F, P, S, W, WP, or WF, or IN.
      2. Students will be considered on probation until they attain a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0.
      3. Summer courses may be taken to help students reach the 2.0 cumulative GPA.
    3. Students will receive a warning letter following any semester in which their cumulative GPA falls below 2.0.
    4. College Deans will notify students when they are placed on academic probation. Such notices will include a requirement that students consult an academic advisor in their college early in the first probationary semester and in no event later than the end of that semester. The Registrar's Office will notify the colleges of students who are placed on academic probation and will note the academic probationary status on the student's academic record.
    5. Students will meet with their academic advisors to develop appropriate plans for achieving satisfactory academic performance.
    6. Students on academic probation may not participate in extra-curricular or co-curricular activities sponsored by the university.

  3. Academic Dismissal
    1. Academic dismissal takes place under the following circumstances:
      1. Undergraduate students who have attempted at least 15 credits and have been on probation for the academic year (Fall/Spring) will be dismissed from the University. Their dismissal is in effect as of the upcoming Fall semester.
    2. The Registrar's Office will notify the appropriate University officers when students are academically dismissed and will note the dismissal on the student's academic record.
    3. The College Deans will notify students in writing when they are dismissed. The notices will include a statement that registration for the next semester will be canceled.
    4. Students so dismissed cannot register in either academic year or summer terms, as full or part- time students, nor as non-matriculated students.
    5. Students who have been academically dismissed from the University may apply for readmission through the Admissions Office after one academic year following dismissal.
    6. Students who have been academically dismissed may not participate in extra-curricular or co- curricular activities sponsored by the university.

  4. Academic Standing Appeal Process
    1. The Office of the Provost serves as the focal point for the academic probation and dismissal. The Office of the Associate Provost for Academic Affairs is responsible for the implementation of this process.
      1. Written notification of the appeal process and dates will be sent to the student.
      2. Student contacts the Dean's Office in the College of their major to make an appointment with the appeal committee.
      3. Student completes and returns the Request an Appeal Hearing form with any supported material.
      4. Students who do not appeal and students whose appeal is denied will be dismissed from the University.
    2. Decisions concerning academic dismissal are made independently of decisions governing financial aid awards. Appeals regarding the discontinuance of financial aid must be made to the Director of Financial Aid.
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