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Title:  Banner Finance Security
Subject: Accounting Services                                     
Policy No: Fin: 2015:01                                           
Applies: University-Wide             
Issuing Authority:  President                                            
Responsible Officer:  Senior Vice President for Finance and


Adopted: 01/20/2015
Last Revision:






Last Reviewed:








Sound financial management practices require the University to To implement fiscal policies and procedures for providing appropriate and authorized security access to the Banner Finance System in order to fulfill job responsibilities and accurately account for the University's financial records, and to define the essential department level requirements for Banner security around financial control, and to provide an outline of the respective roles and responsibilities that are required by the University at each level of the organization.


Under the direction of the President, the Senior Vice President for Finance and CFO shall ensure compliance with and implement this policy which:

    1. Provides general principles and guidelines to promote proper accounting and effective financial management and control over revenues, accounts receivable, expenses and other financial transactions. The information contained in this policy shall be used to develop unit specific procedures to ensure compliance with this policy.
    2. Defines the guiding principles for financial control, essential department level requirements for financial control and provides an outline of the roles and responsibilities that are required by the University at each level of the organization

and the Associate Vice President for Finance and Controller shall ensure compliance with the policy.


It is the responsibility of every any faculty and staff member who is involved in any financial activity on behalf of the University to be fiscally responsible and to exercise appropriate financial controls. 


The Accounting Services Department in conjunction with A.S.A (Analytics, System, & Applications) Security is responsible for providing access to the Banner Finance System using information made available for this purpose.  Access to Banner systems is restricted to those employees who require access in order to enable them to fulfill their job responsibilities.


When an employee's duties and responsibilities require access to the Banner Finance System, the following procedures will be used to gain access or to change existing access. In addition, when an employee's duties and responsibilities change to no longer require access to these systems, the procedures below will be used to terminate access.

  1. Procedures for New Users: 
    1. The requester should log into Banner Self-Service’s menu, click on the ‘Banner Access Request Menu’, ‘Request a Security Change' and follow the prompts. A University Administrator (Manager or Department Head) or Primary Investigator (for Grants) responsible for the requested Fund and Organization must send an approval/set-up e-mail to finsecurity@rowan.eduThe e-mail needs to include will be sent an email for approval after the form is filled out.  The form will contain requests for the following:
      1. The name of the person for whom access is requested, that person’s title, and department and their supervisor.
      2. The reason access is necessary
      3. What type of access is needed:  Query (view), Posting (Requisition and Budget Transfer entries) or Both.
      4. The Fund and Organization numbers for which access is necessary .(Security may be provided at the predecessor organization level with Divisional approval).
      5. Requests to copy the security of one person to another person can be requested assuming appropriate approval by the responsible persons applicable to all funds and organizations in the request.
      6. The name and title (Principal Investigator for Grants) of the requesting Manager, Department Head or Principal Investigator
    2. After the supervisor’s approval is given in the workflow, an email is sent to for access completion. Security request e-mails received for access to Grants will be routed to the Director of Grants and Contract Accounting for approval. The Director of Grants and Contract Accounting will forward the request with their approval to  The   The Finance Security Administrator will notify the requestor if further information is needed or when the set-up is completed.   The set-up of security will only be done based on email requests sent from the appropriate supervisor approver in accordance with the guidelines listed above or by approval of an appropriate Finance officer.  When the set-up pertains to an employee not already provided previous access to Banner Finance, ASA is notified to establish a USER ID and Banner IDthe Finance Security Team will place the requestor in a Security Class.  This will enable the requester to be set up with a User Profile in Banner Finance and be given access.
    3. Email requests are maintained on file in the Accounting Services Department.
  2. Procedures for Change to Access:
    1. When an employee's duties and responsibilities change to require different access, the appropriate Manager,    Department Department Head or Principal Investigator responsible for the Fund and Organization must send an notify FinSecurity either through the Banner SSB Workflow or directly by e-mail to to change the employee’s access.  Approval is granted if the necessary authorizations and information have been submitted.  See Procedures for New Users.
  3. Procedures for Termination of Access:
    1. When an employee's duties and responsibilities change to no longer require certain access, the appropriate Manager, Department Head, or Principal Investigator responsible for the Fund and Organization should send an notify FinSecurity either through the Banner SSB Workflow or directly by email to Access will be terminated according to the time frame provided in the notice.  The approver will be notified that access has been removed.
  4. Review/Monitoring Procedures
    1. Every week the NPA (Notification of Personnel Action) report is generated and reviewed by the Finance Security Team and ASA Security.  This report provides information on employee HR changes.  Further action will be taken on whether the access is still required and appropriate security changes are then taken by both the Finance Security Team and ASA Security.
  5. Security requests for other than Banner Finance
    1. The policy listed above applies only to the Banner Finance module. Requests for access to the Banner HR module should be forwarded to the Security Administrator for the Human Resources module. Requests for Banner Student and Faculty module access should be forwarded to Registrar Inforservices Information Services at
      A new Finance Security access request workflow was created and introduced to the University in September 2018 utilizing Self-Service Banner in order to request Finance access.  This is an initial transitional phase while the same procedures described above will concurrently be used.  The form can be obtained through the Main Menu, Banner Access Request Menu, then Request a Security Change link.  The same requirements and procedures are contained within the form for approvals and notifications.