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The Conference Room and Non-Classroom Space













This policy applies to all Rowan conference rooms and non-classroom spaces and the following technologies:

  • CD/LED displays
  • Projectors
  • Digital media players (i.e. AppleTV)
  • Videoconferencing
  • Computers
  • Sound systems
  • AV control systems
  • Connectivity
  1. Technology
  • IRT is responsible for all Rowan conference room technologies. 
  • IRT is responsible for regulating conference room technology type, model, and design.
    • Refer to Conference Room and Non-Classroom Space Technology Standards and Specifications Addendum.
  1. Support






  1. What IRT Does Not Support
  • IRT does not support costs of maintenance, repair, or replacement of conference room technologies.
  • IRT does not support installation costs of technologies in conference rooms.
  • IRT does not support iPad or tablet interfaces in conference rooms.
  1. Requests for technology procurement and installation
    • IRT: All technology requests must be submitted as "Non-Standard Space Technology Procurement" and approved by IRT using the IRT acquisition policy and procedures.
    • Facilities: All facility requests for installation must be submitted using Facilities acquisition policies.
    • The budget for requested technologies will be the responsibility of the requestor.
    • The budget for requested project management (inclusive of all infrastructure requirements such as power, data, and installation) will be the responsibility of the requestor.
  1. Scheduling
    • All technologies must be purchased and delivered in accordance with the schedule of Facilities project manager.
    • The project manager is responsible for communicating and planning all requests.
    • The project manager is responsible for working with IRT and Facilities to ensure timely service and adherence to technology standards.
  1. Maintenance and Support
  • All technology maintenance, support, repair, and replacement costs are the responsibility of the requestor/owner.
  • All power related support is the responsibility of Facilities
  • All cabling related support is the responsibility of IRT
  1. Infrastructure, Installation, AV, and Technology Standards: Facilities is responsible for
  • Infrastructure standards
  • Electric standards
  • Furniture standards
  • Lighting standards
  • Project management for all infrastructure requirements
  1. IRT is responsible for
    • LCD, LED, Projection standards
    • Computer standards
    • Audio standards
    • Videoconferencing standards
    • AV control standards
    • Digital media player standards
    • Technology integration standards


:2015:05, was removed from this site on September 3, 2024. Please see the Technology-Enabled Space Ownership & Support Policy.