Title: Transfer Credit Policy – Graduate School of Biomedical Science (GSBS)
Subject: Academic Affairs
Policy No: AA:2013:01
Applies: Rowan GSBS students
Issuing Authority: Dean, RowanSOM
Responsible Officer: Rowan GSBS Senior Associate Dean
Adopted: 10/8/2020
Last Revision: 03/09/2023
Last Reviewed: 03/09/2023
This policy defines the Transfer Credit Policy for all students in the GSBS.
Under the direction of the GSBS Senior Associate Dean, Program Director(s) shall ensure compliance with and implement this policy.
This policy applies to all students in the GSBS.
A syllabus for the course must be provided for review. Credits for graduate courses taken at other colleges or universities may be transferred upon approval by the Program Director(s) and the relevant course director. Any course(s) approved for transfer will exempt the student from taking that required course(s) in the program. No transfer credits are allowed for courses in which the applicant received less than a B (3.0) grade. There is a 6-year time limit from the time the course was taken on all course transfers; exceptions may be permitted by petition to the GSBS Executive Council if a course is taken more than 6-years ago. The “Application for Transfer Credit” form must be submitted and approved before the end of the add/drop period. The number of credits awarded shall not exceed the number of credits given for an equivalent course at GSBS. Course credits, not grades or quality points, will be transferred, therefore the GPA will not change. There is no charge for transfer credits.
- Master of Biomedical Sciences Program (MBS)
A maximum of 6 credits may be transferred toward the MBS degree. - Molecular Cell Biology and Neuroscience Program (MCBN)
A maximum of 12 credits may be transferred towards the PhD degree if the classes were taken prior to matriculation. A maximum of 6 credits may be transferred towards the MS degree if they were taken prior to matriculation. - Master of Science in Histopathology Program (MHP)
A maximum of 10 credits may be transferred toward the MHP degree. Determination of course and credit equivalency may require demonstration of technical proficiency. - Master of Science in Molecular Pathology and Immunology Program (MPI)
No credits may be transferred toward the MPI program. - Anatomical Sciences program (ANS)
No credits may be transferred toward the ANS program.