Title: Student Health Insurance
Subject: Bursar
Policy No: FIN: 2018:03
Applies: University-Wide
Issuing Authority: President (signature)
Responsible Officer: Senior Vice President for Finance and CFO
Adopted: 06/14/2018
Last Revision: 06/05/2024
Last Reviewed: 06/05/2024
The purpose of this policy is to set forth responsibility for the management and administration of student health insurance.
The Office of the Bursar is responsible for managing the student health insurance.
Rowan University requires all full-time students as well as part-time students enrolled in specific programs (see indications in list provided below) to maintain health insurance coverage throughout the academic year.
- As per University requirements, the following students are required to have health insurance coverage:
- All full-time matriculated students and certification students enrolled in 12 or more credits for undergraduates or nine (9) or more credits for graduates;
- All full-time Rowan-Virtua School of Osteopathic Medicine (SOM) students, all full-time Postdoctoral Fellow Students, and part-time Rowan-Virtua SOM students who participate in clinical experience as part of their educational programs; and
- All full-time medical students and any student enrolled in a Cooper Medical School of Rowan University (CMSRU) approved alternate program of study.
- Health Insurance Billing: The student health insurance premium is added to students Rowan term bill once the student meets the requirements as defined above.
- Waiving the Student Health Insurance: To opt out of the Rowan University Student Health Insurance Plan (RUSHIP), all domestic students and all Full-Time matriculated international students with an F-1 visa must have and agree to maintain a health insurance plan underwritten by a company based in the US that is compliant with the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Additionally, the insurance plan must provide in-patient and out-patient coverage in the Southern New Jersey region. Full-Time matriculated international students with an F-1 visa may have and agree to maintain the international student insurance plan offered by ISI or ISO found here. Travel or catastrophic insurance will not be accepted. Failure to waive online before the deadline will result in automatic enrollment in RUSHIP, which will result in the assessment of a non-refundable student health insurance charge. Students will be fully responsible for the premium after this date regardless of any present or future coverage.