Title: Research Indirect Funds Distribution
Subject: Office of Sponsored Programs
Policy No: OSP: 2014: 02
Applies: University-wide
Issuing Authority: President
Responsible Officer: Vice President for Research
Adopted: 12/05/2011
Last Revision: 04/21/2016
Last Reviewed: 12/12/2014
To establish the distribution model for the total annual indirect costs recovered from sponsored programs.
Under direction of the President, the Vice President for Research shall provide oversight to the Directors for the Office of Sponsored Programs who will implement and ensure compliance with this policy.
This policy applies to all faculty, employees and students of the University and grants and sponsored projects whose purpose of the project(s) is research.
- All sponsored programs that are administered by the Division of University Research charge indirect (overhead) costs as approved by the Department of Health and Human Services
- The following distribution model is adopted for total annual indirect costs that are recovered from all sponsored programs that are administered by the Division of University Research on all campuses of Rowan University:
- 20% to the Principal Investigator's College (to be administered by the Dean);
- 10% to support the Principal Investigator's research, at the discretion of the Dean (this distribution to be added to the College's);
- 15% to the Principal Investigator's Department at the discretion of the dean (to be administered by the Chair);
- 5% to the Provost;
- The remainder will be administered by the Vice President for Research
- This revised policy will continue to be effective until Fiscal Year 2019, and will be revisited in Fall 2018.