Title: Repeating a Course Policy
Subject: Academic Affairs
Policy No: AA: 2015: 11
Applies: University-Wide
Issuing Authority: Provost / Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Responsible Officer: Deans
Last Revision: 05/17/2021
Last Reviewed: 05/14/2021
The purpose of this policy is to outline the requirements for retaking a course.
Under direction of the Provost, all Deans and Department Chairs shall implement this policy and all faculty shall ensure compliance with the policy.
This policy applies to all students of Rowan University.
- In the event that a student repeats a course, the highest grade received among the multiple attempts will constitute the final grade for that course for cumulative G.P.A. purposes. Grades in other attempts, although not counted in the cumulative G.P.A., remain on the student's transcript. (This provision is under Senate review and is considered interim pending approval.)
- The same course may not be taken more than twice, including withdrawals, unless noted otherwise in the course description or unless approval from the department chairperson is granted. The approval by the chairperson is for one repetition of the course, and each repetition will require separate approval. Previous approval is no guarantee of approval for future repetitions. This policy is retroactive and approval is needed under this policy using the current form.
- Except for general education and Rowan Experience courses, more stringent restrictions may be determined by the individual departments/colleges, only to meet standards recommended by accrediting bodies, statutory regulations, and/or professional societies.
- Interim Addendum: During the COVID-19 pandemic (spring 2020 through spring 2021, inclusive of summer and winter), course attempts in affected semesters do not count toward the limit of two attempts addressed by this policy. This is not affected by any Pass/No Credit choice during eligible terms.