Title: Orientation Attendance
Subject: Student Life, Undergraduate Orientation
Policy No: SL:2018:01
Applies: University-Wide
Issuing Authority: Vice President for Student Affairs
Responsible Officer: Associate Vice President for Student Life
Adopted: 11/1/2012
Last Revision: 08/01/19
Last Reviewed: 08/01/19
- This policy requires all entering undergraduate students to attend a new student orientation program.
- New student orientation conveys important University policies and procedures, introduces students to available recourses and services, and provides the opportunity for interaction with other new students, current students, faculty and staff. Students may complete testing, advising, and enrollment as part of the orientation program or independently.
- Orientation supports students in transition and meets various regulatory requirements. Substantial research is available on the student transition from high school to college and the unique needs of transferring students. Healthy adjustment to a new living and learning environment, and familiarity with University expectations regarding academic expectations and appropriate student conduct in their new community are important to their success. The University offers a multitude of resources to support student success, but it is difficult for students to be aware of all of our programs and services or know how to access them without explanation. Orientation seeks to provide this by:
- Informing students of the key components to academic success as they begin their collegiate academic careers;
- Informing students of the academic as well as personal and professional conduct expectations of the University;
- Assisting students in meeting other students, faculty, staff and administrators;
- Providing a forum for students to interact with campus service providers and have their questions answered;
- Increasing students' awareness of who they are as learners and the importance that this plays in reaching their capacity for active and intentional learning;
- Teaching students about making healthy choices in their lives.
- These objectives are important to student learning and success, and greatly impact student retention.
- Additionally, orientation is one aspect of the University’s compliance with federal regulations, including, but not limited to, the following:
- Equal Opportunity: gender, race, religion, national origin, physical handicap (Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504; Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990)
- Program Non-discrimination: age, gender, national origin, physical handicap, race (Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972; Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504; Age Discrimination Act of 1975)
- Privacy of Student Records: access to records (Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974)
- Copyright (Copyright Act of 1976)
- Environmental Compliance (Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976)
- Consumerism: academic programs, financial aid, persistence/graduation rates, tuition (Education Amendments Act of 1976; Student Right-to-Know Act of 1990)
- Campus Crime Reporting: crime statistics (Campus Security Act of 1990)
- Drug Prevention (Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988; Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989)
- Many of these regulations have notification requirements, and we provide access to this information and explain Rowan University’s reporting and policy enforcement procedures during orientation.
Under the direction of the Associate Vice President for Student Life, the Director and staff of the office of Orientation and Student Leadership Programs shall ensure compliance and implementation of this policy.
This policy is applicable to all undergraduate students. Specifically included are all entering freshmen and transfer students attending online or in- person. Only students who have recently completed a Rowan University orientation (readmits) are excluded from this requirement.
Orientation is an event and a process planned by the Office of Orientation and Student Leadership Programs to assist with new student transition to Rowan University and provide required regulatory information. Orientation can be completed online or in-person.
- Assists with notification requirements of:
- Age Discrimination Act of 1975
- Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
- Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
- Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
- Campus Security Act of 1990
- Copyright Act of 1976
- Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989
- Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988
- Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972
- Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974
- Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504
- Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976
- Student Right-to-Know Act of 1990
- All entering undergraduate students must complete a new student orientation program.
- Students may attend an in-person orientation program, typically 1-2 days in length prior to the first term of enrollment.
- Students may complete an on-line program that presents orientation content and tests understanding.
- Students who do not successfully complete an in-person or online orientation program will receive a hold preventing registration, access to grades, and graduation until the orientation requirement is complete.
- Any fee payments for orientation programming are considered separate from the required educational experience (i.e. students will not receive an undergraduate orientation requirement hold simply for non-payment of the undergraduate orientation fee, but this may contribute to other financial holds as administered by the Bursar’s Office).
- Office of Orientation and Student Leadership Programs staff will:
- Receive new student data is received from the Banner student information system once a student confirms their acceptance.
- Send an invitation to reserve an orientation program date to students. Students can select from available on campus orientation dates, or choose to complete an online orientation course.
- Provide data on student reservations for specific orientation dates to advisors and other faculty and staff participating in the orientation process.
- Record attendance of students attending on-campus orientation programs. Students who do not attend a reserved orientation date will receive an e-mail communication requesting that they reschedule for a later date (if available) or complete the online orientation course.
- Enroll students who requested the online orientation program and all students failing to attend an on campus orientation program in an online orientation course.
- Place holds preventing registration, access to grades, and graduation on student accounts until the orientation requirement is complete. Once the online orientation course is completed (verified by viewing educational content, passing an exam, etc.), the hold will be removed.
- Students are responsible for scheduling, attending, and participating in orientation programming, and the payment of any related fees.