The new version of MAC OS X, 10.10 (Yosemite) is expected to be released today, Thursday October 16th, and is currently incompatible with the ClearPass registration system and potentially other services at Rowan.

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Title: Off-Campus Conduct Policy
Subject: Student Life
Policy No: SL: 2016:09
Applies: University-Wide
Issuing Authority: President
Responsible Officer: Vice President of Student Life/Dean of Students
Adopted: 08/10/2016
Last Revision: 08/01/2020
Last Reviewed: 08/01/2020


The purpose of this policy is state Rowan University's expectations that its students conduct themselves as mature, responsible, and law-abiding members of the University Community, as well as the larger community of which students and the University belong.


Under the direction of the President, the Vice President of Student Life/Dean of Students shall implement and ensure compliance with this policy.


This policy applies to all students of Rowan University.


  1. Rowan University Policy - Student Code of Conduct
  2. Local Ordinance Information
    1. Borough of Glassboro
    2. Stratford Borough
    3. City of Camden


  1. Rowan University expects its students to conduct themselves as mature, responsible, and law-abiding members of the University Community, as well as the larger community of which students and the University belong. As such, Rowan students will abide by all federal, state, and local laws, and ordinances including, but not limited to those relating to noise, traffic, parking, illegal drugs, and consumption of alcohol. As responsible members of the University Community, Rowan students are expected, by their conduct and actions, to foster an atmosphere which nurtures positive community relations between Rowan University and the surrounding community.
  2. Rowan University will discipline students for Student Code of Conduct violations committed off-campus, when the Vice President of Student Life/Dean of Students or designee determines that the conduct adversely impacts the educational mission and interests of the University and/or the safety and welfare of the University community.
  3. Student Conduct Code Applicable to Off-Campus Activities Jurisdiction of the University
    1. Discipline may be imposed on students for conduct which occurs on University premises, in or out of the classroom setting, while using University technology, at off-campus instructional sites, during off-campus University affiliated events where students are representing the University and for off-campus conduct when the Vice President of Student Life/Dean of Students or designee determines that the conduct adversely impacts the educational mission or interests of the University and/or the safety and welfare of the University community.
  4. Inherent Authority
    1. In addition to the enforcement of the Student Code of Conduct as it relates to off-campus activities, the University reserves the right to take any other necessary and appropriate action to protect the safety and well-being of the University and the University community, the University's interests and community standing, as well as the pursuit of the University's mission, goals, and objectives.
  5. Violation of Law and Off-Campus Conduct
    1. Students are separately accountable to both civil authorities and to the University for acts which constitute violations of federal, state, or local law, and the Student Code of Conduct, including Off-Campus Conduct.
    2. Due to the need to efficiently, effectively, and promptly protect the academic environment, proceedings for violations of the Student Code of Conduct, including Off-Campus Conduct, normally will proceed without delay and without regard to the potential or pendency of criminal proceedings or civil litigation.
    3. Proceedings under the Student Code of Conduct are not subject to challenge or revision on the grounds that criminal charges involving the same incident have been dismissed or reduced.
    4. Prohibited Conduct
      1. Conduct off-campus that is subject to disciplinary action includes, but is not limited to: violations of University rules, laws, or ordinances concerning illegal drugs, alcohol consumption or distribution, public urination, public nudity, damaging property, noise, traffic, parking, loitering, littering, and other disorderly conduct.
      2. Students are subject to discipline for off-campus misconduct even if the behavior was not the subject of criminal prosecution or legal citation.
      3. Private off-campus events which are not sponsored or funded by Rowan University will also be subject to the University discipline system if the conduct violates University regulations or local, state, or federal law, or when the University determines that the conduct has a direct impact on the educational mission and interests of the University and/or the safety and welfare of the University community.
      4. The University reserves the right to hold a student responsible for actions at their residence even if they were not present at the time of the incident. In such a case, the student would be required to produce confirming evidence that s/he was not involved.
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