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Title: New Jersey Residency Policy and Eligibility for In-State Tuition
Subject: Tuition
Policy No:  SL:2021:01
Applies: University-Wide
Issuing Authority:  The President
Responsible Officer:  The Provost  
Adopted:  05/20/2021
Last Reviewed: 10/25/2024 
Last Revision: 10/25/2024


This Policy outlines Rowan University’s policy relating to the determination of domicile for purposes of determining eligibility for in-state tuition as provided in the New Jersey Administrative Code 9A:5-1.1, et. seq.


Under the direction of the Provost, the University Registrar or relevant designee will be responsible for implementation and ensuring compliance with this policy.


This policy shall apply to all students of Rowan University, enrolled in undergraduate, graduate, or professional degree programs.  It shall be applicable in all schools and colleges of Rowan University.


  1. Eligibility for In-State Tuition
    1. U.S. Citizens
      1. Domicile Generally
        1. Rowan University determines eligibility for in-state tuition purposes according to New Jersey Administrative Code 9A:5-1.1, et seq., which requires that a student be legally domiciled in the state of New Jersey for at least twelve (12) months immediately prior to enrollment in order to be charged in-state tuition.  All those domiciled outside of the state are charged out-of-state tuition.
        2. Domicile is defined as the place where a person has his or her true, fixed, permanent home and principal establishment, and to which, whenever he or she is absent, he or she has the intention of returning.
        3. Persons residing in New Jersey for a period of 12 months before first enrolling at a public higher education institution in this State are presumed to be domiciled in this State for tuition purposes.
        4. Persons residing in New Jersey for fewer than 12 months before first enrolling at a public higher education institution in this State are presumed not to be domiciled in this State for tuition purposes.
        5. Residence established solely for the purpose of attending a particular educational institution does not constitute domicile for tuition purposes.
      2. Domicile of Dependent Students
        1. Dependent students as defined in the rules of the Higher Education Student Assistance Authority at N.J.A.C. 9A:9-2.6 are presumed to be domiciled in the state in which their parent(s) or legal guardian(s) is domiciled. Dependent students whose parent(s) or legal guardian(s) is not domiciled in New Jersey are presumed to be in the State for the temporary purpose of obtaining an education and presumed not to be domiciled in New Jersey.
        2. A dependent student who has been determined to be eligible for in-state resident tuition shall continue to be eligible despite a change of domicile to another state by the student’s supporting parent(s) or legal guardian(s), provided that the student continues to reside in New Jersey during each academic year of enrollment
    2. Non-US Citizens
      1. Residency for non-US citizens is determined based on criteria established by federal immigration laws. Most visa holders who are in the United States are considered to be present temporarily and are therefore ineligible for in state tuition.  B, C ,D, F, J, and M Visas cannot qualify for in-state tuition as they are either solely study-based visas (like F and J visas) or visas that do not allow study in the U.S. (like B, C, and D visas).  All other nonimmigrant visa holders may qualify for in-state tuition if they (1) meet the minimum NJ residency requirements, and (2) the student and/or parent(s) of dependent students can provide documentation showing payment of New Jersey State income tax.   Alien nationals who are in the United States and hold permanent resident status, or refugee status or asylee status with a pending asylum application will be considered the same as United States citizens for purposes of assessing tuition. In either instance, the approval date on the visa must be prior to the first day of the semester for which the change in status is sought. 
      2. Notwithstanding the provisions of any law or regulation to the contrary, under the DREAM Act, a student, other than a nonimmigrant alien within the meaning of section 101 (a)(15) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. s.1101(a)(15)), shall be exempt from paying out-of-State tuition at a public institution of higher education if the student satisfies all of the following requirements:
        1. Attended high school in this State for three or more years;
        2. Graduated from a high school in this State or received the equivalent of a high school diploma in this State;
        3. Registers as an entering student or is currently enrolled in a public institution of higher education not earlier than the fall semester of the 2013-2014 academic year; and
        4. In the case of a person without lawful immigration status, files an affidavit with the institution of higher education stating that the student has filed an application to legalize his immigration status or will file an application as soon as he is eligible to do so.  N.J.S.A. 18A:62-4.41.
    3. Military / Military Dependents
      United States military personnel and their dependents, as well as students using GI Bill benefits, that are living in New Jersey shall be regarded as residents of New Jersey for tuition purposes. N.J.S.A. 18A: 62-4.1.  In addition, dependent children of military personnel who attended New Jersey high school for a minimum of three years shall also be considered eligible residents for tuition purposes, regardless of where the dependent resides upon enrollment in Rowan. Questions relating to military personnel and dependent tuition benefits may be directed to the Military Services Office.
  2. Initial Determination of Domicile
    1. The initial determination of a student’s domicile for in-state tuition purposes is made during a student’s application to Rowan University and is based on answers to the residency questions on the application, permanent address, and in the case of undergraduate students, attendance at high school.
    2. For medical school students, the state of their permanent address on their applications and their State of Legal Residence (SLR) through the common application service American Medical College Admission Service (AMCAS) and Osteopathic Medical College (AACOMAS) are presumed to be domiciled in the state of that application.  In the case where both a permanent address and a SLR are provided, the SLR will determine domicile.
  3. Reconsideration of Initial Determination of Domicile
    1. A student who disagrees with Rowan’s initial determination of domicile may submit a request for reconsideration of the student’s domiciliary status (“Request for Reconsideration”).  A student may also submit a Request for Reconsideration of the student’s domiciliary status at any time if the student’s circumstances have changed.   If a Request for Reconsideration results in eligibility for in-state tuition, the in-state rate shall not be retroactive but shall apply to charges for the next academic term.
    2. A mere change of address is not sufficient to evidence change in that student’s fixed, permanent home.
      1. Procedure
        1. student submitting a Request for Reconsideration must complete the Residency Analysis Form and attach the required supporting documentation as set forth in this Policy.  A change of address in Banner will not automatically trigger this process.  Matriculated students should initiate the process by contacting the relevant office identified in the Residency Analysis Form and emailing all relevant documentation to the office from their official Rowan email account.
        2. If moving out of the state of New Jersey, students must email the appropriate contact identified in the Residency Analysis Form from their official Rowan email address informing Rowan of this fact and the date the change is effective so that the student’s records may be updated accordingly.  The change in tuition cost to out-of-state tuition will become effective the first semester following the change in residency.  The Office of the University Registrar runs address change reports several times each year, during which a student moving outside of New Jersey could be flagged. It is the student’s responsibility to check their account each term and to make any necessary requests in a timely manner, which is at least before bills are due for the term in question.
        3. If the student’s residency has changed to the state of New Jersey, the student should email the appropriate contact identified in the Residency Analysis Form from their official Rowan email address informing Rowan of the change, and the date the change is effective, so that the student’s records may be updated accordingly.  The student must complete the Residency Analysis Form and submit it, along with the documentation required by this Policy, to the relevant office.
      2. Required Documentation
        The following documentation must be submitted by students in support of a Request for Reconsideration:
        1. A notarized affidavit signed by the student making the request, declaring domicile in New Jersey, and including the following details:
          1. “I, [FULL LEGAL NAME], [ROWAN ID], verify that I have been a New Jersey resident for at least the past 12 months. I further confirm that I moved to New Jersey in [MONTH] and [YEAR] and did not do so for educational purposes, but rather because [EXPLANATION].”
          2. The affidavit should also detail any other information/clarification that the student believes would be necessary in the student’s particular case to assist in the determination of
          3. The affidavit must state the student’s current New Jersey address.
          4. If the New Jersey tax returns do not clearly show dependent status of the student, it must be included in the notarized statement.
        2. New Jersey state income tax return.
          1. Independent students must submit a copy of their New Jersey state income tax return for the most recent tax year that demonstrates that the student was domiciled in New Jersey for at least 12 months prior to the Request for
          2. Dependent students must submit a copy of their parent or legal guardian’s New Jersey State income tax return for the most recent tax year that demonstrates that they were domiciled in New Jersey for at least 12 months prior to the Request for Reconsideration.
            1. A New Jersey driver’s license or non-driver’s identification card showing at least twelve months of residency in New Jersey, and/or a New Jersey voter registration card (for U.S. citizens only) showing at least twelve months of residency in New Jersey, preferably both.
            2. Medical school and graduate school students must also provide evidence of the student’s ownership of, or a long-term lease (six years or longer) on, a permanent residence in New Jersey.
            3. For non-US citizens who are permanent resident aliens, items 1 through 3 above as available, a copy of the student’s permanent residency card, and at least three (3) of the following: the student’s banking documents; utility bills; documents from the previous institution of higher education indicating that institution’s recognition of the student’s New Jersey domicile; New Jersey employment documents; any other documents identifying a social or economic relationship with New Jersey.
            4. Active members of the military, or dependents of active members of the military, should contact the Military Services Office. The Office will work with students to collect Certificates of Eligibility or other service-related paperwork as may be appropriate.                     
          3. Rowan may request or accept other supplementary evidence that it deems necessary to support the student’s claim of New Jersey domicile, consistent with N.J.A.C. 9A:5-1.2.
      3. Determination
        1. The determination of a student’s domicile will be made on the basis of evidence submitted.  Determinations will be emailed by the Registrar (or relevant office) to the student’s official Rowan email.  A Request for Reconsideration will take time to complete and must be requested at least 30 days prior to the start of the semester in which the tuition change is requested.  Determinations of New Jersey residency for tuition purposes will apply to the next semester/term. Retroactive assessments are not performed.
        2. Rowan will keep with the student’s records copies of the evidence it used in determining domicile.
      4. Appeal
        1. Appeals from the initial determination and/or any determination made after a Request for Reconsideration will be accepted no later than 30 days after the date of notification of any such determination.  The student must submit an appeal to the Provost’s Office.  The Provost’s Office will then forward the appeal to the following officers:
          1. Dean of Students for undergraduate student appeals
          2. Dean of CMSRU for medical students at CMSRU
          3. Dean of Rowan-Virtua SOM for medical students at Rowan-Virtua SOM
          4. Senior Associate Dean for Research & Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences for GSBS Graduate Students
        2. The officer will respond to the student within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the appeal.  The decision of the appeal officer is final.
      5. Penalties
        1. If a student has obtained or seeks to obtain resident classification by deliberate concealment of facts or misrepresentation of facts or if he/she fails to come forward with notification upon becoming a non-resident, he/she will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion in accordance with applicable Student Conduct policies and repayment of the differential between out of state and in state tuition.


  1. Residency Analysis Form
    (open link, download form-top right down arrow-for writable version of form)
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