The new version of MAC OS X, 10.10 (Yosemite) is expected to be released today, Thursday October 16th, and is currently incompatible with the ClearPass registration system and potentially other services at Rowan.

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Title: Miscellaneous Leave Time
Subject: Employee Benefits
Policy No: HR: 2014:05 
Applies: University-Wide
Issuing Authority: President 
Responsible Officers: Senior Vice President for Finance and CFO
Last Revision: 01/21/2015


To set policy regarding the accrual and use of Jury Duty, Compensation Time, Donate Leave, and Floating Holiday Time for staff employees for supervisory approved absent from work.


Under the direction of the Senior Vice President for Finance and CFO, the Provost, Vice Presidents and Deans shall ensure compliance with and implement this policy.


  1. This policy applies to regular full-time staff members, full-time temporary staff members, regular part-time staff members hired to work a minimum of twenty (20) hours per week. Temporary part-time staff members are not eligible for vacation pay.

  2. Always refer to the appropriate collective bargaining agreements for any variations or additional details that apply to this policy.


  1. NJ Administrative Code Regulations Attendance Control Policy

  2. Fair Labor Standard Act

  3. State of New Jersey Civil Service Commission


  1. Jury Duty
    1. All Rowan University and Rowan SOM employees are eligible, upon request, for a leave of absence, when called for jury duty, with pay at the employees' regular rate for non-overtime scheduled hours. While on leave, employees continue to receive the same State and University benefits that they receive when actively working. Employees are required to report to work, during their normal shift, whenever their services are not required by the court.

  2. Compensation Time
    1.  Compensatory time is the granting of time off in lieu of cash payment where permitted for excess or unusual work hours. Rowan supervisors may authorize employees to earn and use compensatory time.; however they must comply with the NJ Administrative Code Regulations, the Fair Labor Standard Act, and Rowan policies. 
    2. If used within the pay period,F flex time, within the pay period, is an appropriate alternative to granting compensatory time. Compensatory time should only be recorded when employees work beyond their normally scheduled or work week or on a working holiday. Within the same pay period, i If an employee works additional hours one week and takes time off the second week, then flex time rules apply and compensatory time is not recorded. 
    3. When compensatory time is carried over from one pay period to another, the compensatory leave category accrues this time to be used during a future pay period.

  3. Donated Leave
    1. The Donated Leave Program enables eligible Rowan and Rowan SOM employees to voluntarily donate a portion of their earned sick and/or vacation time to other Rowan employees who are suffering from a catastrophic health condition or injury that requires prolonged absence from work.

  4. Floating Holiday Time
    1. On January 1 of each calendar year, 6 floating holidays are granted to Rowan SOM employees in an active pay status as of this date. On July 1 of each calendar year, individuals who were on leave as of January 1, but returned to work during the first half of the year, are eligible for 3 floating holidays. Floating Holidays must be used by the end of the calendar year, December 31, or be forfeited.

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