The new version of MAC OS X, 10.10 (Yosemite) is expected to be released today, Thursday October 16th, and is currently incompatible with the ClearPass registration system and potentially other services at Rowan.

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Title: High Performance Computing Resources
Subject: Information Security
Policy No: ISO:2013:17 
Applies: University-Wide
Issuing Authority: Senior Vice President for Information Resources and Technology and Chief Information Officer
Responsible Officer: Director of Information Security 
Adopted: 11/1/2013
Amended: 11/1/2013
Last Revision: 08/08/2018


The purpose of this policy is to establish the standards and processes for acquiring, managing, and using High Performance Computing (HPC) Resources at Rowan University.


All university personnel who wish to obtain access to high performance computing resources shall be required to follow and ensure compliance with this policy.


This policy applies to any high performance computing resources owned or leased by the university and to any high performance computing resources used by any member of the university community.


  1. High Performance Computing Resources - all specialty computing systems, whether a single host or clustered hosts, that are used to address compute-bound, memory-bound, I/O-bound, or storage-bound applications or programs.


  1. Requirements

    1. All high performance computing resources used by university employees, students or members of the university community as well as any HPC resources that store or process university data, must comply with all university policies except as explicitly described in this policy.

    2. University-owned or leased High Performance Computing ResourcesAll high performance computing resources owned or leased by the University must be managed and operated by or under the supervision of Information Resources and Technology (IRT) staff.
    3. All University-owned or leased high performance computing resources must be located in one of the data centers maintained by IRT. Charges may apply for housing and/or managing HPC resources.
    4. Acquisition of all University-owned or leased high performance computing resources must be approved through the IRT Acquisition Procedure.
    5. Access to any external high performance computing resources must be approved by the Vice-President of Information Resources and Technology and must go through a security review to ensure the security of university data and the compatibility of systems.
  2. Procedures
    1. Obtaining access to existing high performance computing resources 
      1. To obtain access to existing high performance computing resources, submit a request to IRT through the website at Your inquiry will receive a response within two (2) business days.
    2. Requesting new high performance computing resources
      1. To purchase or lease new high performance computing resources such as servers, clusters, high-speed networking components, or data storage, you must submit the request for approval through the IRT Acquisition process. Submit your initial request to IRT through the website at
    3. Gaining access to external high performance computing resources
      1. While there may not be a cost associated with accessing some external high performance computing resources, the process above for acquiring new HPC resources shall be obtaining assistance
    4. Any questions about this policy, requests for assistance with IRT Acquisition Request, or requests for help in specifying the HPC resources needed, can be sent via email to

By Direction of the CIO: 

Mira Lalovic-Hand,
SVP and Chief Information Officer

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