The new version of MAC OS X, 10.10 (Yosemite) is expected to be released today, Thursday October 16th, and is currently incompatible with the ClearPass registration system and potentially other services at Rowan.

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Title: Non-Credit Online Course Policy
Subject: Strategic Enrollment Management/Rowan Global
Policy No: SEM:2021:01
Applies: University-wide
Issuing Authority: Senior Vice President for Strategic Enrollment Management and Rowan Global
Responsible Officer: Assistant Vice President for Rowan Online
Adopted:   08/25/2021
Last Revision: 08/23/2021
Last Reviewed: 08/23/2021


This policy governs the creation and support of non-credit online courses in Rowan University’s learning management system.


Under the direction of the Senior Vice President of Strategic Enrollment Management and the Chief Information Officer and Senior Vice President for IRT, Rowan Online shall ensure compliance with this policy.


This policy applies to all Rowan University employees, students, and constituents external to Rowan University.


  1. Internal Users - current (active) Rowan University students and employees.
  2. External Users - any presumptive user who does not meet the conditions of an internal user.
  3. Learning Management System (LMS) - is a software platform that is designed specifically to create, distribute, and manage the delivery of educational content.


  1. The primary function of Rowan University’s learning management system (LMS) is to provide an online learning environment for students enrolled in for-credit courses.
  2. With appropriate approvals, the LMS may also be used to deliver non-credit courses to internal and external audiences.
    1. Non-credit courses include but are not limited to courses for training, professional development, program or lab resources and research, and other initiatives that do not bear academic credit and for which online learning technologies are employed.
  3. Evaluation of Non-Credit Course Requests
    1. All requests for a non-credit course must be submitted by a current Rowan University employee through the Non-Credit Project Intake Form, as outlined in the Non-Credit Course Request Process.
    2. Requests for non-credit courses will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
      1. Internal vs. External Projects
        1. For each project requested, Rowan Online will make a determination as to whether the project primarily serves an internal or external audience. Project pricing and limitations may vary based on this determination.
          1. Internal projects strictly serve current and active Rowan University students and/or employees. Externally funded and grant-funded projects are excluded.
          2. External projects serve users who are considered external to Rowan University and may also include current Rowan University students and/or employees. Includes externally funded and grant-funded projects.
      2. Available Resources
        1. At its discretion, Rowan Online may postpone engaging any project based on the need to prioritize its resources for academic, credit-bearing initiatives.
      3. Limited LMS Use for External Projects
        1. Due to licensing restrictions, the LMS may not be available for use with large-scale external projects. 
      4. Limitation of Use of Services and Technologies
        1. Rowan Online limits its support and services to Rowan University officially approved, licensed, and otherwise sanctioned technologies and services. Use of unofficial technology and services may be subject to discontinuance and removal with notice to the project stakeholder.
      5. Limitations in Accordance with Technology Policies
        1. Use of all systems must be in accordance with Rowan University and Rowan Online policies, procedures, and protocols including information security reviews, audits, and preventative measures.
  4. Pricing for Non-Credit Courses
    1. Pricing is maintained and updated annually by Rowan Online. Current prices are posted on the Rowan Online Non-Credit Course Pricing Document.
  5. Annual Maintenance and Review
    1. Once implemented, a non-credit course that was set up and prepared as part of the original project request may continue to be used as needed into the future.
      1. For internal business clients, course shells along with their contents and configuration may be copied for use in a new course shell up to once per term at no cost after the initial fee.
      2. For external business clients, the posted fees will be reapplied each time a course shell and configuration is copied for use in a new course shell. There is no limit to how often course content may be reused. Other restrictions may apply. Please consult with Rowan Online for details.
    2. Future use of non-credit courses will be limited to the scope of the original project request. Some minor changes are permitted as needed for course maintenance over time. Significant changes may result in the need for the stakeholder to submit a new project request and new fees may be requested based on the nature of changes.
    3. Continued use of an implemented course is subject to available resources and budget. In the event that Rowan Online cannot provide resources or cover the costs associated with regular maintenance and operation of a course, it will attempt to notify the stakeholder(s) in advance and provide recommendations for alternatives.
  6. Non-Credit Course Closure and Archive
    1. Non-credit course closure involves the archiving of course materials and related data for a given course. Rowan Online will offer a copy of materials and data to the course stakeholders for their records.
    2. Non-credit course stakeholders may notify Rowan Online at any time of intentions to close the course and discontinue its use in the LMS.
    3. In the event that a non-credit course goes unused for a period of 1 year or longer based on user activity reports in the LMS, Rowan Online may contact project stakeholders or otherwise authorized party responsible for the course to discuss closure.
    4. Closed non-credit courses will be archived and their contents and data stored for a minimal period of 2 years from the date of closure. Rowan Online is not responsible for retaining course content and data beyond the noted period.
    5. Closed non-credit courses may be considered for re-engagement with Rowan Online, but require the intake of a new non-credit project request and new fees may apply.


Failure to comply with this policy may result in delays to process and implementation any non-credit course request or project and/or loss of access to the services provided by Rowan Online in accordance with this policy.

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