The new version of MAC OS X, 10.10 (Yosemite) is expected to be released today, Thursday October 16th, and is currently incompatible with the ClearPass registration system and potentially other services at Rowan.

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Title: Snow and Ice Removal
Subject: Facilities, Planning & Operations
Policy No: Fac: 2015:01 
Applies: University-wide
Issuing Authority: Sr. Vice President Facilities, Planning & Operations 
Responsible Officer: Assistant Vice President for Facilities Operations
Adopted: 2/23/2015 
Last Revision: 
Last Reviewed: 02/23/2015 


This policy establishes guidelines for the removal of snow and ice on all of the University campuses.


Under the direction of the Sr. Vice President Facilities, Planning & Operations, the Assistant Vice President for Facilities Operations is responsible for implementing and ensuring compliance with this policy.


This policy applies to all full-time, part-time, permanent and temporary employees, faculty, staff, officers, volunteers and students.


  1.  Rowan University Snow/Weather Emergency Protocol

    1. The AVP of Public Safety and the AVP of Facilities Operations (along with the Supervisor of Facilities and Landscape supervisor) will assess the road conditions and campus accessibility and contact the Senior Vice President of Facilities, and the Chief of Staff by 5:30AM. Following that conversation the Senior Vice President, and the Chief of Staff will contact the President of Rowan University or in his absence his designee and explain weather conditions. A decision regarding closing will be made by the President or his designee, by 6:00 AM.
    2. If the school is to close the Vice President, Chief of Staff immediately notifies certain members of the senior staff and Media and Public Relations. This sets up a chain of additional contacts to senior staff, subordinate staff and the news media.
    3. Media and Public Relations contact KYW News Radio, web services and the radio station.
    4. The chain of calls continues to information services, public safety and operations staff.
  2. Snow/Weather Conditions Developing During Daytime
    The AVP's of Public Safety and Facilities will monitor conditions throughout the workday. If conditions warrant a change in operating status (potential closing), the AVP of Public Safety will notify the Vice President, Chief of Staff and the same decision matrix and contacting, as above, will be followed.
  3. Priorities of the Facilities Department
    1. The highest priority in campus snow removal is to maintain fire access (including hydrants) and emergency vehicle access to all buildings at all times.
    2. The Landscape Supervisor shall recognize that over 4000 students remain in the dormitories or within the vicinity of the campus. These students need access to food service, recreation, and health services. These pathways shall have priority over building pathways.
    3. If circumstances arise that prevents keeping the campus handicap accessible the Landscape Supervisor shall notify the Supervisor of Facilities and Public Safety of the condition and in the event there are those individuals who need food delivery.
    4. In extreme storm conditions the Landscape Supervisor shall focus on keeping lanes and roadway open for use by both emergency vehicles and pedestrian movement.
    5. If needed, the Landscape Supervisor shall make recommendation to Public Safety to close the top floor of the parking garage as the ramps can become a hazard
  4. Snow and Ice Removal Requirements
    1. Maintain fire and emergency vehicle access to all Campus buildings.
    2. Work directly with Public Safety on Campus safety including sustaining handicap mobility and accessibility- By clearing pathways (ramps, roads and/or walks) and when necessary by alerting to a need for motor vehicle transports assistance.
    3. Maintain clear pathways from Residential Facilities to the Student Center and Wellness Center.
    4. Maintain clear pathways and entrances to all Academic and Administration buildings.
    5. Clean parking lots and access roads, giving priority to residential lots, Cassady Building, Lot P (Public Safety), Student Center and then all other lots.
    6. Special attention will be given to commuter parking lots at day and night departure times
  5. Division of Duties and Responsibilities between Operating Units that include:
    1. Landscape Department
    2. Facilities Custodial Staff
    3. Res Life Custodial Staff
    4. Rec Center Staff
    5. Student Center Staff
    6. Facilities Operations (all units)
    7. Public Safety


  1. Attachment 1- Division of Duties and Responsibilities
  2. Attachment 2 - Snow Clearing at Buildings and Grounds




  1. Coordination Procedures
    1. The Supervisor of Landscape Operations or in his absence the Assistant Grounds Supervisor shall coordinate snow and ice removal across department lines.
    2. The Supervisor of Landscape Operations in conjunction with other members of the Facilities Operations management team shall determine the number of personnel needed to combat a given storm.
    3. The Supervisor of Landscape Operations or the Grounds Supervisor shall contact the Custodial Supervisor (s) and alert him/her/them of the need to assemble teams to address an approaching storm. Selection is based on need
  2.  Responsibilities of Facilities Employees
    1. Landscape Department:
      1. Coordinate the work activities of all units engaged in storm abatement.
      2. Focus, with two exceptions, on outlying areas by clearing in a timely manner all roads, parking lots, outlying steps (example A -lot), outlying sidewalks, plazas, outlying utility access points, outlying handicap ramps, and hydrants. Further, the Landscape Department shall carry out all hand shoveling and hand application of ice melt materials in an efficient and timely manner at the Town Houses.
      3. Assist the mechanics attaching snow related equipment to trucks, tractors, backhoes, utility carts and lawnmowers.
      4. Provide equipment and dispense ice melt materials to all units engaged in storm abatement on an as need basis.
      5. Monitor conditions and take appropriation action to insure inclement weather safety in and on the parking garage. The Landscape Department shall inform Public Safety when the ramps in the garage must be closed for safety reasons. Further, when possible, the Landscape Department shall alert in advance the Res Life staff to future potential conditions in the garage which will limit needed student access to vehicles.
    2.  Facilities Custodial Staff:
      The Facilities Custodial Staff Unit shall clear, in an efficient and timely manner, areas adjacent to the administrative and academic buildings within a 25 foot zone. (See attached drawing for all locations and specific responsibilities)
    3. Residential Life Custodial Staff
      The Residential Life Custodial Staff Unit shall clear in an efficient and timely manner areas associated with residential life buildings. (See attached drawings for all locations and duties
    4. Student Center Custodial Staff  Student Center Custodial Staff Unit shall clear, in an efficient and timely manner, areas adjacent to the Student Center building within a 25 foot zone. (See attached drawing for locations and specific responsibilities)
    5. Recreation Center Custodial Staff The Recreation Center Custodial Staff Unit shall clear, in an efficient and timely manner, areas adjacent to the Recreation Center building within a 25 foot zone. (See attached drawing for locations and specific responsibilities)

    6. Other Employees of the Operations Department Other employees of the Operations department may be requested to assist in the snow removal process when the magnitude of a given storm exceeds the capability of the normally assigned personnel. Both the Landscape Department and the Custodial Departments may request, as needed, additional personnel from other shops that can remove snow and ice or from the volunteer 's who have signed up for snow removal. A sign-up sheet will be posted before the snow season. Advance notice use of personnel from other departments is subject to union regulations including seniority and rotation. Under unforeseen conditions additional personnel may be called in based on emergency status.

    7. The Auto Shop

      1. Have all trucks and equipment with drive trains (Example trucks, tractors, mowers) used in snow and ice management completely serviced and in a ready state for use by the last day of November.

      2. Have all snow and ice removal related attachments for vehicles and/or equipment with drive trains completely repaired and ready for use by the last day of November

      3. PM all small snow equipment, such as snow blowers, and have them in a ready for use by the end of November.

      4. attach all snow and ice removal accessories to the appropriate trucks and equipment with drive trains each time a storm approaches and shall remove same when not needed for use. The Auto Shop may draw additional helpers from the Landscape Department to assist with the rapid assembly and disassembly of equipment.

      5. Provide one or more mechanics throughout the course of snow and ice clearing operations to make on site emergency repairs.

      6. Maintain an inventory of common parts and essential materials in the shop for night and weekend emergency repairs.

      7. Maintain on campus both gas and diesel fuel tanks in a ready state for long weekend draw downs.

      8. Work with the Landscape Department each spring disassembling, cleaning and storing snow related equipment attachments. As part of storage process the Auto Shop shall inventory all needed repairs and needed replacement parts. All needed replacement parts shall be ordered and repairs completed. (Notify the Landscape supervisor of repairs needed.)

  3. Public Safety:

    1. Shall alert the Facilities Operations On-Duty Manager when snow or ice situation arises from early evening to early morning during the work week and at all times on the weekends.

    2. Shall alert Facilities Operations to any unusual events or circumstances that they may become aware of related to snow and ice.

    3.  During a storm event, shall cause the removal all obstructions such as chains across roads and open all campus gates so that plowing and ice melt application may proceed rapidly.



Custodial Responsibilities as follows (25 foot zone)

  1. Academic/Administrative
    1. Bole Administration - 4 doorways includes loading dock, 1 handicap ramp in front entrance, 4 set of steps 1 front, 1 loading dock, 2 on east side
    2. Bole Annex - 3 doorways, 2 handicap ramps 1 front entrance and 1 parking lot entrance, 1 set of steps south side
    3. Bozorth Hall - 8 doorways, 1 handicap ramp no1ih side and 1 handicap access through front door, 3 sets of steps all west side
    4. Bunce Hall- 6 doorways, 2 handicap ramp 1 north side and 1 west side, 3 sets of steps 1 on south, 1 west side and 1 on north side
    5. Carriage House- 3 doorways, 1 handicap ramp front entrance, 1 set of steps and 1 patio
    6. Cassady - 1 doorway I handicap access at front door, 1 set handled by trades
    7. Hawthorn Hall - 3 doorways, 2 handicap ramps I front entrance and 1 east side, 2 steps 1 west and 1 east
    8. Heating Plant – 7 doorways, 1 loading dock
    9. James Hall- 5 doorways, 2 handicap access 1 south and 1 north, 0 steps
    10. Library- 5 doorways, 2 handicap access 1 front and 1 rear, 1 set of steps at loading dock
    11. Linden Hall- 5 doorways, handicap access through rear courtyard door, 1 steps on north side
    12. Memorial Hall- 11 doorways, 1 handicap ramp west side, and other entrance can accommodate wheelchairs, 3 sets of steps 1 west, 2 north side
    13. Robinson Hall - 7 doorways, 2 handicap access 1 front and 1 rear, 0 steps
    14. ROTC- front walkway
    15. Rowan Hall - 9 doorways, 2 handicap access 1 off front patio, and 1 at east entrance, I handicap ramp
    16. Savitz Hall - 5 doorways, loading dock, 2 handicap access points 1 front and 1 rear doors
    17. Science Building -7 doorways, 1 handicap access point off Meditation, 0 steps
    18. south pond side, 1 set at pond
    19. Wellness Center - 1 handicap ramp at front door, 3 sets of steps 2 at front and 1 at loading dock
    20. Westby Hall - 8 doorways 1 handicap access off Meditation, 0 steps
    21. Wilson Hall - 9 doorways, 2 handicap access, off patio and 1 on no1ih side, 0 steps
  2. Residential Life Custodial Staff Responsibilities
    1. Chestnut – 14 doorways, 0 handicap access, 0 steps
    2. Edgewood – 16 doorways, 2 handicap access 1 at 300 facing north and 1 500 facing north, steps are within building mass seldom getting snow but should be checked (2 per building)
    3. Evergreen – 4 doorways, 0-handicap, 2 sets of steps on east side
    4. Laurel Hall – 6 doorways, 2 handicap ramps on courtyard side, 5 sets of steps, 3 on east side and 2 on west side
    5. Magnolia – 14 doorways, 0 handicap access
    6. Mimosa -10 doorways, 1 handicap access at main entrance, 1 step on east side
    7. Mullica – 5 doorways, 0-handicap, 2 sets of steps on east side
    8. Oak Hall – 6 doorways, 2 handicap ramps on courtyard side, 5 sets of steps 2 on east side and
    9. 3 on west side
    10. Savitz – east side
    11. Student Center – west side
    12. Triad -4 doorways, 1 handicap ramp at bridge in front
    13. Willow – 14 doorways, 0 handicap access
  3. Student Center Custodial Staff Responsibilities Student Center – 6 doorways, 1 handicap ramp in front and 1 handicap access off patio, also 3 sets of steps
  4. Landscape Operations Department Responsibilities  (No distance limitation)
    1. Townhouses- 143 doorways, all doorways and walks leading up are handicap accessible, 0 steps
    2. Alvin Shpeen - 4 doorways, all doors ways handicap accessible, 0 steps
    3. Team House- 2 doorways, doors are handicap accessible, 0 steps
  5. Outlying Steps: Buildings indicated below are for reference only. They are closest landmarks to outlying steps and other surface requiring snow removal.
    1. A-parking lot - 2 sets of steps I east and west
    2. Bunce at Baseball field - I set of steps
    3. Campus Park along 322 - I set of steps
    4. Library and Savitz- I set of steps
    5. Oak and Laurel in Quad- 2 sets of steps
    6. Rowan Hull Quad - I set of steps
    7. Savitz- 2 sets of steps at west side
    8. Student Center- I set of steps
  6. Outlying Handicap Ramps:
    1. Alumni/Whitney - 1
    2. Bowe Blvd -2
    3. Bozorth Hall-5
    4. Bunce Hall Lot -1
    5. Carpenter Street- 8
    6. Edgewood
    7. 300-2
    8. 500-2
    9. Gym-1
    10. Handicap cuts on 322
      1. North side 25
      2. South side 3
    11. Hawthorn Hall - 3
    12. James Hall-4
    13. Lot B- 3
    14. Lot C-4
    15. Lot D - 6
    16. Lot M- 6
    17. Lot O-1 - 1
    18. Memorial Hall-2 Annex -1
    19. Mimosa Hall Lot- 1
    20. Robinson Circle- Mall-5
    21. Rowan Hall-7
    22. Townhouse – 4
  7. Storm water inlets basically hand shoveling at outlying.
  8. Parking Lots: Total - 4,920 vehicle parking spaces 
  9. See the Department Ice and Snow Removal Procedures for the location and task map for:
    1. Academic and Adminstrative Buildings - Facility Custodians
    2. Dormitories  - Residential Life Custodians
    3. Student Center - Student Center Custodians
    4. Recreation Center - Recreation Center Custodians
    5. Outlying Areas - Landscape Department

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