Title: Sick Time
Subject:Employee Benefits
Policy No: EB: 2015:02
Applies: University-Wide
Issuing Authority: President
Responsible Officers: Senior Vice President for Finance and CFO and the Chief Human Resources Officer
Adopted: 07/01/2013
Last Revision: 10/20/2015


To set policy regarding the accrual and use of sick time for staff employees absent from work due to non-occupational illness or injury.


Under the direction of the President, the Senior Vice President for Finance and CFO and the Chief Human Resources Officer shall implement this policy and the Provost, Vice Presidents and Deans shall ensure compliance with this policy.


This policy applies to regular full-time staff members, full-time temporary staff members, regular part-time staff members hired to work a minimum of twenty (20) hours per week. Temporary part-time staff members are not eligible for sick pay. Always refer to the appropriate collective bargaining agreements for any variations or additional details that apply to this policy.


  1. Sick Time Accruals

  1. Permanent part time staff members are eligible for sick time accruals on a pro rata basis.

  1. Employees are liable for sick days taken in excess of their entitlement and shall reimburse the University for such. Employees in an unpaid leave status shall not accrue sick leave during that status.

  1. Sick time accruals are cumulative from one year to the next with no limitation as to the amount of accumulation.

  1. Employees shall not be reimbursed for accumulated sick time when separating from the University except for eligible employees at retirement as provided in N.J.A.C. 4A:6-3.

  1. Sick time accruals are designated for use when the employee or immediate family member is ill and unable to be present at work. Medical documentation is required for absences of 5 days and more or when reasonable to request. FMLA runs concurrently for any sick leave that is used for more than 5 concurrent days.


Any medical documentation must be submitted by employee directly to the Human Resources Department. Supervisors should never accept medical documentation from an employee.