Title: University Towing Policy
Subject: Towing
Policy No:
Applies: University-Wide
Issuing Authority: Assistant Vice President for Public Safety and Emergency Management Coordinator
Responsible Officer: Executive Administrator for Parking Services
Adopted: 2017
Last Revision: 11/26/2018
Last Reviewed: 11/26/2018
The intent of this policy is to help control and reduce the amount of illegal parking on campus by holding offenders accountable for their actions. Illegal parking reduces the amount of available parking and is unfair to those who have parking decals and properly adhere to Rowan University Parking Rules and Regulations.
Under the direction of the Assistant Vice President for Public Safety and Emergency Management, the Executive Administrator for Parking Services will ensure compliance and implementation of this policy.
All students, employees, visitors, and guests using motor vehicles on the campuses of Rowan University.
Abandoned/Derelict vehicles -A vehicle is considered abandoned if it is not registered with a valid campus parking permit and is inoperative or partially dismantled, or if it is parked on university property without authorization for more than 96 hours without authorization.
Accessible Parking space - spaces designated with appropriate signage indicating the space is reserved for vehicles transporting individuals with disabilities in compliance with New Jersey and federal law. In order to use these spaces requires the clear display of a valid placard or license plate. Appropriate paperwork authorizing use of the placard or license plate must remain with the vehicle for verification if requested.
Parking Enforcement - Student Ticket Writers, Security Officers, Police Officers, and supervisory and administrative staff members of the Public Safety Department authorized by the Board of Trustees to write administrative tickets on behalf of Rowan University and enforce these rules and regulations.
Impound – transportation of a vehicle typically via tow truck to an off-campus location. There is a fee to release the vehicle from impound back into the custody of the owner. This fee is the sole responsibility of the vehicle’s owner. Additional fines may apply.
Administrative rules and regulations are necessary and proper for the administration and operation of the University and have been adopted and promulgated in accordance with a resolution of the Board of Trustees of Rowan University # 2013.06.20 adopted on June 12, 2013 pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:3B-6b; N.J.S.A. 18A: 64-3, N.J.S.A. 18A: 64-6(m); N.J.S.A. 18A: 64-7 and N.J.S.A. 18A: 64-18c.
Rowan University reserves the right to tow any vehicle parked in violation of any of the University’s parking rules and regulations at the sole expense of the vehicle owner.
Private companies contracting with the university provide towing. The cost of towing and storage is paid directly to the tow company. The university does not benefit monetarily from the towing of vehicles. After the tow mechanism is attached, the tow company is responsible for the vehicle even if it has not yet been removed from university grounds. Tow companies are expected to treat everyone professionally and courteously. All claims for damage must be made to the tow company directly. Vehicles may be towed for the following reasons: