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  1. Ownership of Technology
    1. Any technology, including, but not limited to, computer hardware (i.e. laptop, desktop, tablet, cell phone, etc.), software, or peripherals (printer, monitor, keyboard, mouse, cables, etc.) purchased with University funds is the property of Rowan University.  Usage of all technology is defined in the University’s Acceptable Use Policy.   All technology purchased by Rowan University remains the property of the University for the entire life cycle of the product or service.
    2. All technology purchases must be delivered to Information Resources & Technology (IRT) before deployment to ensure that the items are properly configured to comply with the University’s security and technology policies.
  2. Employee Responsibility
    1. It is the responsibility of all University staff using University technology to conform to all University technology policies and guidelines.  At no time may the employee take personal possession of University technology unless defined by a specific policy (i.e., Cellular Device Policy).
    2. If for any reason an employee separates from the University, it is the responsibility of that employee and their supervisor to ensure that all technology is returned to Rowan University at the time of employee separation.   Any employee not returning Rowan University technology is subject to sanctions as described in Section V-4.
  3. Supervisor Responsibility
    1. It is the responsibility of University supervisors to report all change of ownership of Rowan-owned technology to IRT within 10 days of the change of ownership.  Examples of change of ownership include, but are not limited to:
      1. Employee separation from the University
      2. Employee changes position within the University
      3. Technology in the office is reallocated to a new employee
    2. In cases where an employee separates from the University, the supervisor must contact IRT immediately.   IRT will confirm all of the employee’s equipment has been returned to the University.  IRT will also collect all of the employee’s Rowan technology.  This technology will be returned to the department when the position have been rehired, except when outlined by policy (i.e., Employee Computer Trade-in Policy).
  4. Sanctions for Removal of University Technology
    1. Any University employee who fails to return all University-owned devices before their final date of separation must return all University devices within 10 business days of their final date of employment at their own personal cost. If the employee fails to return University-owned devices, they will be charged the initial cost of the item. Employees may also be liable to additional sanctions as defined by local, state, and federal law.


VI.  Policies Referenced

  1. Rowan University Acceptable Use Policy
  2. Rowan University Cell Phone Policy
  3. Rowan University Employee Computer Trade In Policy
