Title: Resident/Fellow - House Staff Moonlighting Policy101
Subject: Individual Schools Policies (RowanSOM)/Jefferson Health/Our Lady of Lourdes
Policy No: 2018:101
Applies: GME Housestaff
Issuing Authority: Director of GME
Responsible Office: Dean
Last Revision: 05/18/18
Last Revision: Last Reviewed: 6/2010 (OMEC), 6/2/2011 (OMEC)
To delineate the conditions under which a resident or Fellow may engage in moonlighting activities and the procedure by which such activities must be requested, approved, recorded and monitored as set forth in the University Policy # 00-01-30-10:00 for outside employment while a member of the housestaff.
This policy is directed to all members of the housestaff.
- Housestaff - refers to all interns, residents and subspecialty residents (fellows) enrolled in a Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicinel Kennedy University Hospital and Our Lady of Lourdes Medical Center joint residency training programs. A member of the housestaff may be referred to as a housestaff officer.
- The primary work obligation of a full or part-time house staff officer of the Rowan SOM/Kennedy University hospital/Our Lady of Lourdes Medical Center joint program is to the RowanSOMIKennedy University hospital/Our Lady of Lourdes Medical Center.
- Full or part-time housestaff must not be required to engage in moonlighting. They may voluntarily engage in outside employment only if the outside employment does not:
- constitute a conflict of interest (see university policy 00-01-10-50;00, code of Ethics: General Conduct);
- occur at a time when the house staff officer is expected to perform his or her primary work obligation at the University; or
- diminish the house officer's efficiency in performing his or her primary work obligations at the University; or
- exceed the 80-hour weekly limit on duty hours when combined with regular program work schedules.
- Notice of regular or continuing outside employment of full or part-time housestaff is required during the regular work year. (Such individuals will complete a Notice of Outside Employment and will follow the submission process as indicated below.) If housestaff plan to engage in outside employment, they are required to receive approval of outside employment from their Program Director, Department Chair and forward the forms for approval and signature to the DIO/Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education. After approval by the DIO/Associate Dean for GME the housestaff officer will be instructed on how to apply for final approval from the University Office of Ethics and Compliance by the Graduate Medical Education office. The resident's performance will be monitored for the effect of these activities upon performance and adverse effects may lead to withdrawal of permission
- This policy shall not apply to outside employment undertaken by a house officer during his or her annual leave or vacation periods, except that no such house officer may engage at any time in outside employment that constitutes a conflict of interest.
- Each house officer must complete an Outside Employment Declaration Form whether or not he/she plans to engage in outside employment. All outside employment must be approved prior to commencing such activity. The Outside Employment Declaration Form must be forwarded to the Office of Graduate Medical Education and signed by the Program Director, Department Chair and DIO/Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education. The Program Director and Department Chair shall keep copies of housestaff declaration forms on file. The Program Director shall forward the original form to the Office of Graduate Medical Education.
- Failure of housestaff to comply with this policy shall result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.
- Outside Employment Declaration Form (Procedure should be followed for newly hired housestaff)
- Newly hired/appointed housestaff shall receive an Outside Employment Declaration form from his/her Medical Education Office during personnel processing/upon appointment.
- The Program Director is responsible for indicating whether or not outside employment has been approved by signing the Outside Employment Declaration Forms and submitting the original forms to the appropriate Department Chair. Copies shall also be retained by the Program Director.
- The Department Chair is responsible for signing the Outside Employment Declaration forms as an indication that he/she agrees with the Program Director and submitting the originals to the Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education.
- The Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education is responsible for signing the forms as an indication that there is agreement with the Program Director, Department Chair, and GME policies. The GME office will submit completed signed forms to Ethics & Compliance for final approval.
- OGME 1s are not permitted to moonlight under any circumstance.
- ACGME Common Program Requirements/AOA Basic Documents