- English Language Proficiency
- Participants must possess sufficient proficiency in the English language to participate in their programs. [22 CFR 62.10(a)(2)]. The academic host department must verify that the exchange visitor has appropriate academic credentials and English language proficiency.
- Academic and Government Category Incident Report
- As the sponsoring community, we are asked to report incidents (e.g. serious injury, death, sexual abuse, etc.) that involve exchange visitors on their respective academic programs. The Office of Private Sector Exchange Administration - Academic and Government (OPA-AG) also requests that sponsors report other events that could bring the department or Exchange Visitor Program into notoriety or disrepute. In the event that you need to report an incident, please download and complete the J-1 Academic Government Category Incident Report Form within 24 hours of the sponsor becoming aware of the issue. Please submit the completed form to AGalert@state.gov and copy obeid@rowan.edu on the email. For more information, please visit:https://j1visa.state.gov/academic-program-sponsors/+{+} J-1 Academic Program Sponsors.
- Insurance for J-1 Visa Holders