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Title: University Fuel Card (UFC)
Contracting and Purchasing
Policy No:
FIN: 2014:03
Issuing Authority:
Senior Vice President for Finance and CFO
Responsible Officer:
Senior Director of Contracting & Procurement
Last Revision:
Last Reviewed:


This policy and related procedures govern the University Fuel Card (UFC) Program, a tool for authorized University departments and personnel to purchase fuel and emergency services for vehicles used in the course of University business.


At the direction of the Senior Vice President for Finance and CFO, the Senior Director of the Office of Contracting & Procurement (OCP) shall implement this policy and the Fuel Card Program Administrator, Deans, department chairs, department directors and users of the UFC, shall ensure compliance with the policy.



This policy applies to all authorized University departments and personnel who accept responsibility for use of a University-issued Fuel Card, which may only be used in accordance with the policy and procedures described below.





  1. Emergency An incident that occurs while the user is out of the Glassboro area and Facilities Fleet Management is unable to assist with the service or the incident occurs during non-business hours or a holiday when the Facilities Fleet Management cannot be contacted.
  2. Fuel Card Administrator - OCP responsible for issuance/disbursement of UFCs and managing internal controls for the program.
  3. Fuel Cardholder (Cardholder) - UFC is issued in an individual's name.
  4. Fuel Card Reviewer (Card Reviewer) - Designated party responsible for paperwork/follow-up for UFCs issued in the name of a department.
  5. Fuel Card User (Card User) - UFC is issued in the name of a department.
  6. PIN - Personal Identification Number issued to end users (cardholder or card user) to enable the use of the UFC. PINs may be specific to a card (cardholder UFC) or to a department (card user).


  1. The University Fuel Cards (UFCs) are issued by the University to allow authorized University departments and personnel to purchase fuel and emergency services for vehicles used in the course of University business. Fuel cards are permitted to be used to purchase fuel for rental vehicles used in the course of University business. 
  2. When it is not possible to use the campus fleet maintenance services and fuel pumps, the UFC may be used for fuel and emergency repairs. The UFC cannot be used at vendors that are categorized as other than fuel stations. 
  3. In emergency situations, the UFC is authorized for repair or maintenance service on University vehicles. The user must always make an attempt to obtain vehicle repair or maintenance service from Facilities Fleet Management. However, the fuel card may be used to pay for the emergency purchases (as defined above) with the approval of the supervisor of the cardholder or authorized user. 
  4.  If an emergency occurs, a report of the incident must be submitted to the Card Administrator on the next business day with all applicable documentation and evidence of supervisor approval. 
  5.  UFCs and their associated PIN numbers are the property of Rowan University, and are to be used for University business purchases only. The University is responsible for the purchases made with the UFCs. Neglect or abuse of the Fuel Cards or PIN numbers will result in cancellation of the card and/or revocation of the PIN number. Fraudulent use of the card and/or PIN number will result in disciplinary action, which may include employment termination. 
  6. Rowan University's Fuel Card Program is provided through a contract with a vendor awarded for these services. Authorized University departments and personnel may use the University issued fuel card at any retail gas station that accepts the UFC.  
  7. Completed applications for a UFC must be forwarded to the Office of Contracting & Procurement for approval. Cards can be issued in an individual employee's name or in the name of the department according to the specific needs of the department. If the card is issued in a department's name, the department must designate an individual in the department as a card reviewer who will be responsible for ensuring the cards are kept secure, all purchases are acceptable and accounted for, and the necessary monthly logs are completed. 
  8. The UFC cardholder or card user will secure and retain receipts that provide complete detail to support each purchase charged to the UFC and make an appropriate entry in a transaction log.  
  9. Each cardholder will receive a monthly billing statement. Upon receipt of the billing statement, the cardholder will compare the billing statement to the receipts and will reconcile the billing statement. The Cardholder submits monthly transaction log and original receipts to the Office of Contracting & Procurement. 
  10. Errors regarding incorrect billing may occasionally occur with the UFC. When errors are found on a statement, it is imperative that the problem be resolved in a timely manner. All errors should be brought to the attention of the Card Administrator as soon as possible for resolution.




  1. Attachment 1 - UFC Program Responsibilities




Office of Contracting & Procurement


  1. Understanding and complying with rules for use of the UFC.
  2. Submitting signed fuel charge receipts to the departmental fuel card reviewer.
  3. Reporting lost or stolen fuel cards to the customer service number listed on the card and the Fuel Card Administrator.

Department Fuel Card Approving Official/ Department Director

  1. Reviewing fuel card charges monthly.
  2. Providing expenditure authority for fuel card charges by signing the monthly transaction log.
  3. The Dean or Vice President in the Division is responsible for approving applications for departmental fuel cards.

Accounts Payable Department

  1. Receiving authorization from the Office of Contracting & Procurement to pay departmental charges.
  2. Generating monthly payments.

Fleet Card Company

  1. Issuing UFCs.
  2. Receiving reports of lost and stolen cards.
  3. Receiving reports regarding disputed invoices.
  4. Technical assistance.
