Title: Whistleblower Policy ("Reporting Compliance & Ethics Concerns")
Subject: Ethics
Policy No: ELO:2014:01
Issuing Authority: Rowan President
Responsible Authority: Executive Vice President for Administration & Strategic Advancement
Adopted: 08/21/2014
Reviewed: 11/12/2018
Last Revision: 01/08 Jan /2021
Rowan University is committed to ethical conduct in all of its operations. At the very minimum, all employees, contractors, representatives or agents are responsible to ensure that their activities on behalf of the University, and those of their colleagues, comply with all applicable federal and state laws and Rowan University policies. To that end, all employees have a responsibility and an affirmative duty to report actual or suspected wrongful conduct, and the University has a responsibility to make sure that they can do so without fear of retaliation or reprisal. All Such reports that are filed in good faith shall be accepted, kept confidential to the extent possible in conformance with applicable laws, regulations and University policies and procedures, evaluated fairly and addressed promptly and appropriately.