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Title: iPad Cellular Data Activation Policy
Subject: Information Resources and Technology
Policy No:


IRT:2015: 05
Applies: University-Wide
Issuing Authority: Senior Vice President for Information Resources and Chief Information Officer
Responsible Officer: Senior Vice President for Information Resources and Chief Information Officer
Adopted: 04/02/2014
Last Revision: 07/26/2018
Last Reviewed: 07/26/2018


 This policy sets forth the approval method for activation of cellular data by an authorized cellular carrier for Apple iPads by University personnel.


Violation of this policy may subject the violator to disciplinary actions, up to and including termination of employment or dismissal from a school, and may subject the violator to penalties stipulated in applicable state and federal statutes. 

By Direction of the CIO:


Mira Lalovic-Hand,


SVP and Chief Information Officer