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The Computer Lab Software Policy



Rowan University offers a wide array of computing, networking, and instructional resources and services to members of the university community. Computer labs provide a learning environment that supports teaching and learning at Rowan. This document contains Academic Technology policies and procedures and also outlines responsibilities of those who use computing and instructional facilities or support at the university. These policies are designed to enable high-quality services and maximize productivity while protecting the rights of all members of the community.


Under the direction of the President, the Chief Information Officer and the University's Director of Information Security shall implement and ensure compliance with this policy. The Executive Vice President for Administration and Strategic Advancement, Provost, Vice Presidents, Deans, and other members of management will implement this policy.


This policy applies to all Rowan open computer labs.


A. OPEN COMPUTER LAB - A non-schedulable, IRT regulated computer space for students.


A. Software

Academic Technology maintains all computer-related equipment and consequent software in the computer labs and computer classrooms. Academic Technology will install and maintain software according to the ubiquitous computing specifications of Rowan computer labs. Faculty requiring special software for classroom use should complete the "Technology Classroom Software Request" form at the Academic Technology Web site at the beginning of each semester.

    • Open Computer Classroom computers are maintained by Academic Technology. See Reporting Critical Service Disruptions During an Academic Year, for support policies and procedures.
    • Hours for Open Computer Classrooms vary. SeeĀ IRT website for more detailed information.


, or IRT:2015:02, was removed from this site on September 3, 2024. Please see the Technology-Enabled Space Ownership & Support Policy.