- A student who wishes to appeal an academic action must submit a written request to the RowanGSBS Executive Council within five (5) business days of his/her notification of the academic action from the Program Director(s). Otherwise, the student has waived his/her right to appeal the academic action, and this shall become the final academic decision.
- When a student requests an academic appeal hearing pursuant to this policy, he/she will ordinarily be permitted to continue in the program pending the outcome of the appeal(s) process.
- The student who has requested an appeal of an academic action is encouraged to seek the support and consultation of his/her Program Director(s) and/or for Molecular Cell Biology and Neuroscience (MCBN) program students, the MCBN Ombudsperson throughout the academic appeal process. The student may also consult with an attorney of his/her choice, but the student shall not be represented at the appeal hearing by legal counsel.
- Upon notification of a student’s request for an academic appeal hearing, the GSBS Office will schedule a meeting of the Executive Council to hear the appeal within ten (10) business days of the student’s request, and shall notify the student and any other individual(s) the Chairperson determines may have information relevant to the appeal. Notification shall include, at a minimum, the date, place and time of the meeting.
- The appeal hearing will not be taped or transcribed, although the Executive Council may, at its discretion, designate a RowanGSBS employee as a note taker during the testimonial phase of the hearing.
- The student must provide to the Executive Council a detailed statement and documentation of the facts and circumstances supporting the appeal and provide a list of persons with information relevant to the appeal. This information must be received before the academic appeal hearing is scheduled.
- The Executive Council will review the submitted information and may request additional materials from the student, the Program Director(s), or any other individual(s) as necessary to clarify issues pertinent to the matter.
- For good cause, the student will be permitted to supplement his/her materials at any time up until a final, non-appealable decision is rendered.
- The student shall not be represented by legal counsel at the appeal hearing. Legal counsel may be present outside the hearing room to consult with the student during or after the appeal hearing.
- The student may be accompanied to the appeal hearing by an advocate of his/her choosing who may address the Executive Council at the close of the testimony, but this advocate shall not be an attorney bv professionby profession.
- After the Executive Council has heard from all essential or requested individuals, the appeal hearing will be adjourned and the committee will deliberate on the appeal in a closed session attended only by its members.
- The Executive Council will review the testimony and the documentation provided to them in advance, as well as any documentation received at the hearing. The Executive Council will make a written recommendation to the RowanGSBS Senior Associate Dean within five (5) business days of the appeal hearing. The Program Director(s) and the student will be provided with a copy of this recommendation at the same time as the GSBS Senior Associate Dean.
- The student has the right to appeal the Executive Council’s recommendation to the RowanGSBS Senior Associate Dean within five (5) business days of his/her receipt of the Executive Council’s recommendation. Otherwise, the student has waived his/her right to appeal to the RowanGSBS Senior Associate Dean.
- The RowanGSBS Senior Associate Dean will render a final, non-appealable academic decision within a reasonable period of time, but in no event later than thirty (30) business days after the last date of the appeal hearing. The RowanGSBS Senior Associate Dean will notify the student, the Executive Council and the Program Director(s) of this decision. A copy of the decision will be sent to the student by email to their official Rowan email address.