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  1. NetID Accounts - All alumni with no other active affiliations (e.g. employee, student, affiliate) will have their Rowan NetID account access terminated following the below schedule. Once access is terminated, all alumni will lose access to any and all Rowan University resources that require a Rowan NetID account. This includes, but is not limited to: email access (Google, Exchange), Google Apps, Home Directories (H: Drive), VPN access, computer resources (computer labs and HPC resources), Citrix (RowanCloud), Office 365, library resources and any other resources requiring authentication with a Rowan NetID account. Rowan NetID Accounts will be revoked following the below timeline:

    1. Inactive Alumnus/a do not currently have a Rowan NetID account so no revocation is necessary. The creation of new or recreation of expired alumnus/a accounts via will be disabled.

    2. Active Alumnus/a will have their Rowan NetID account access revoked 12 months after this policy is formally adopted.

    3. Future Alumnus/a will have their Rowan NetID account access revoked 12 months after the date of degree conferral as noted in Banner. As noted above, individuals who are conferred a degree but remain active due to other circumstances (enroll in an additional class, etc.) will not have their Rowan NetID account revoked.

    4. Separated and retiring employees, as defined in the Separated and Retiring Employee Offboarding policy, may be subject to immediate alumnus/a account termination.

  2. Student Email - All mail sent to an individual’s or address after the Rowan NetID account termination timeline specified in section V.1 of this document will not be received or forwarded to the intended individual.

  3. Email Forwarding - All alumni with an forwarding address will have this service terminated after the Rowan NetID account termination timeline specified in section V.1 of this document.

  4. Data Export - All alumni with an active Rowan NetID account are eligible to download and export data from select Rowan University managed services. At present this service is limited to Google Takeout to transfer Google Apps data from Rowan University to a Google Takeout supported service (Google Drive, Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive).

  5. Exceptions to the Policy

    1. All active alumni and future alumni may request an account extension of no greater than 14 days. This request must be reviewed and approved by the Information Security Office. All requests must be received no fewer than seven days before the Rowan NetID account termination timeline specified in section V.1 of this document through https://support.rowan.eduthrough the Rowan Support Portal.

    2. All inactive graduates are ineligible to request an extension.
