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Employee Workstation Assignment Policy
Subject:  Information Resources and Technology
Policy No: IRT:2018:02 
Applies: University-Wide
Issuing Authority: Senior Vice President for Information Resources and Technology and Chief Information Officer
Responsible Officer: Senior Director


, Technology Services
Adopted: 01/05/2015
Last Revision:






Last Reviewed:








This policy is intended to:

  1. Ensure

  2. that
  3. appropriate computing resources are available to computing facilities, classrooms,

  4. and
  5. faculty and staff to support the mission of the University.

  6. Ensure

  7. that all
  8. Rowan

  9. constituencies
  10. employees who use computing resources have a

  11. computer
  12. workstation of sufficient capability to fulfill their responsibilities to the University.

  13. Implement minimum standards for computing on campus.

  14. Encourage planning, cost-effective installation of new

  15. computers
  16. workstations, and disposal of old

  17. computers
  18. workstations.




Under the direction of the President, the


Under the direction of the President, the Chief Information Officer and the Director of Information Security shall ensure compliance with this policy. The Vice Presidents, Deans, and other members of management will implement this policy in their respective areas.


This policy applies to all Rowan University employees.


Refer to Rowan University Technology Terms and Definitions for terms and definitions that are used in this policy.


  • Trade-in Cycle: The standard replacement interval for primary workstations assigned to individual employees. As of 2024, primary workstations are replaced after five years of use.

  • Workstation: Any device that runs a full desktop operating system, such as Microsoft Windows or Apple macOS.

    • Primary Workstation: A workstation assigned to faculty or staff to fulfill their regular job responsibilities and replaced through the trade-in cycle.

    • Additional Workstations: Workstations not covered by the trade-in cycle.

Refer to Rowan University Technology Terms and Definitions for terms and definitions that are used in this policy.


  1. Rowan University employees, except those noted in V.2.b, are provided one primary workstation covered by the trade-in cycle to conduct University business. As of 2024, primary workstations are replaced after five years of use. Unless otherwise noted in this policy, employees may not be assigned more than one primary workstation and one additional workstation. Additional workstations are not covered by the trade-in cycle. 
  2. Primary Workstations
    1. Upon hire, all new employees, except those noted in V.2.b, are eligible to receive a primary workstation and a monitor based on the current academic year specifications. The primary workstation should remain in possession of the employee it is assigned to throughout their tenure at Rowan University. Reassigning a workstation may result in multiple employees being removed from the trade-in cycle program.
    2. New part-time staff, including but not limited to temporary positions, part-time employees, student employees and affiliates, and adjunct faculty members are not eligible to receive a primary workstation. If part-time staff or adjunct faculty require a workstation, the department the employee works for must purchase the workstation and pay for future replacements. 
    3. Primary Workstations for New Faculty Members
      1. New faculty members may select a primary workstation based on current academic year specifications
      2. The funding source for the initial cost of purchasing primary workstations for new faculty members is based on the chart below. 
        1. Due to the nature of their respective curricula, full-time faculty members in the following departments may elect to receive an Apple workstation fully funded through the trade-in cycle program:
          1. Art
          2. Music
          3. Radio, Television, Film

            Funding for Purchasing & Replacing Primary Workstations for Faculty
            ConstituencyLenovo Laptop and Docking StationApple Laptop and Port ReplicatorAccessories
            Full-Time Tenure Track FacultyIRT Shared*
            (See V.2.c.ii.1 for exceptions)
            LecturersIRT SharedDepartment 
            3/4 Time FacultyIRT SharedDepartment 

            Note: To support flexible working arrangements, IRT now provides laptops and docking stations rather than desktops as part of the trade-in cycle program.      


            IRTFully covered by IRT trade-in cycle funds
            SharedIRT covers the part of the cost equivalent to the Lenovo workstation. The remainder of the cost of a standard workstation is covered by the Provost’s office. Any additional upgrades must be covered by the department.
            Department Fully covered by departmental budget

      3. The schedule for purchasing new primary workstations for faculty is outlined in section V.2.e.ii.2
    4. Primary Workstations for New Staff Members
      1. Staff members are eligible to receive the primary Windows workstation included in the current academic year specifications through the trade-in cycle program. No other workstations, including workstations from other manufacturers or custom configurations, are eligible for the trade-in cycle program for full-time staff. 
      2. The initial cost of purchasing primary workstations for new staff members is covered by the staff member’s departmental budget. 
      3. Departments are responsible for ordering workstations for new staff members. Departments must notify IRT at the time of ordering that the workstation is for a new, full-time staff position. Once IRT has been notified, the workstation will be added to the trade-in cycle for future replacements.
    5. Replacement of Primary Workstations
      1. Primary workstations are replaced at the end of the trade-in cycle based on the current academic year specifications. Monitors are replaced at the end of every other trade-in cycle. Any additional monitors or other accessories must be purchased by the employee’s department.
      2. Faculty 
        1. The cost of replacing primary workstations for existing faculty members is based on the chart in section V.2.c.ii of this policy.
        2. The schedule for replacing primary workstations for faculty is as follows:
          1. June: Review and collate list of faculty trade-in workstations for the next academic year.
          2. July: Order workstations for inventory based on existing faculty data. These workstations will be used to provide new faculty with their workstation choices in a timely manner.
          3. August: Contact and review new faculty orders. Orders will be processed and delivered from existing inventory.
          4. October: Replenish inventory based on number of workstations used for new faculty orders.
          5. November: Contact existing faculty to begin the ordering process for their trade-in workstations.
          6. December – January: Distribute existing faculty trade-in workstations
        3. Faculty workstations are purchased twice per year after current faculty workstation needs are assessed and prioritized and eligible faculty are identified. This list will be collated according to estimated resources. Initial purchase will be used for new faculty hired by the University. IRT will then restock based on the workstation requested by existing faculty. 
      3. Staff
        1. The cost of replacing primary Windows workstations for full-time staff is covered by IRT trade-in cycle funds. The cost of replacing any other workstations for full-time staff is covered by the employee’s department.  
        2. The schedule for replacing primary workstations for Staff is as follows:
          1. December – January: Prepare staff trade-in cycle list
          2. February – March: Place order for the number of expected machines to be traded-in
          3. March – May: Distribute staff trade-in cycle workstations
        3. IRT will order staff workstations based on the number of staff eligible that fiscal year. Once workstations have been configured for campus use, IRT will contact employees whose workstations are eligible for trade-in to set up an appointment to distribute the new workstation. 
      4. Employees who refuse to accept a replacement workstation at the time the workstation is due for replacement will be removed from the trade-in cycle program. The employees’ supervisor will be notified and provided a copy of this policy. To reenter the trade-in cycle program, the department will be responsible for paying for the cost of replacing the workstation. 
      5. It is the responsibility of the employee receiving a new workstation to back up their data and migrate it to their new workstation. Data should be moved to an approved IRT storage solution, such as Google Drive. IRT will assist employees with migrating their data if they have technical issues backing it up to an approved location or device. 
    6. Workstation Warranties
      1. The trade-in cycle program does not provide replacement workstations or trade-ins for lost, stolen or destroyed workstations.
      2. All workstations purchased through the trade-in cycle program are purchased with the maximum warranty available for the cycle. Currently, all Windows and Apple workstations purchased with IRT trade-in cycle funds come with a four-year warranty. 
        1. Additional costs may be associated with an Apple warranty repair.   These costs are the responsibility of the person or department and not funded by IRT.
      3. Any failures outside of the manufacturer warranty are the responsibility of the person or department that the workstation is assigned to and will not be covered by IRT. If a machine fails due to normal wear and tear after its fifth year of operation, IRT will make every attempt to replace the workstation early or replace it with a refurbished workstation.  If the machine is replaced with a refurbished machine, it will maintain its position in the trade-in cycle.
      4. The department is responsible for any costs related to warranty repair and costs due to damage outside of normal wear and tear.
    7. Workstation Specifications
      1. Workstation specifications for the current academic year are based on the current technology available aligned with the needs of the typical University user. The primary considerations for these specifications are:
        1. Ability to be managed as an enterprise workstation on the Rowan Network
        2. Consistent performance and security of all integrated components of the workstation within the Rowan environment
        3. Supported by a vendor who is an industry leader with an established track record in manufacturing, sales, and service
        4. Successful in-house performance and compatibility testing 
        5. Able to be managed consistently and remotely
        6. Includes comprehensive warranty
        7. Expected to perform to customer requirements for the full life cycle of the workstation.  
  3. Additional Workstations & Hardware
    1. Departments may purchase one additional workstation for an employee from departmental funds. Additional workstations must be approved for acquisition through the Information Technology Acquisition Process (ITAP).
    2. Employees may not be assigned more than one additional workstation, unless otherwise noted below. 
      1. If a faculty member requires more than one additional workstation for research, they must:
        1. Submit the request through ITAP and disclose the workstation exceeds the two workstation limit. 
        2. Provide a Cayuse number in the ITAP submission. 
        3. Assign the workstation for use by a designated individual, such as a research assistant or student worker. The faculty member cannot be the primary user of the additional workstation.
      2. IRT reserves the right to review the language of grants when additional workstations are requested. 
      3. The Office of the Provost and the CIO will review all requests for additional workstations. 
      4. Workstations for research or research faculty are not funded by IRT. There is no trade-in cycle for research workstations. 
      5. Due to the nature of technology and the work performed by some departments in the University, it may be necessary for employees to have more workstations, or workstations of a higher specification level than the designated limit, to perform testing, development, etc. If an employee requires additional workstations, the employee’s supervisor must submit a business case to the IRT Asset Manager for review and final approval by the CIO. If approved by IRT:
        1. The cost of the device must come from the department’s operating budget.
        2. The purpose of the purchased workstation will be noted in the IRT Asset database.
        3. The supervisor will be listed as the owner of the device and will be responsible for updating the status of the device, including the assigned user.
    3. Capital funds cannot be used to purchase additional workstations for employees.  
    4. Departments are not permitted to purchase additional workstations that are not assigned to a specific individual.
    5. Workstations may be purchased for part-time and student staff, but they must be assigned to a supervisor for asset audit purposes. This additional workstation does not count against the supervisor’s workstation limit, as outlined in section V.1 of this policy.
      1. Any department-owned part-time employee workstation or student employee workstation is not eligible for replacement through the trade-In cycle program, even if the department reallocates the workstation to a full-time employee.
      2. Only desktop workstations may be purchased for student staff, except in the following situations:
        1. Graduate student researchers who require a laptop for participation in a research project may be given a University Graduate Student Researcher Stipend for the cost of a laptop, plus taxes, from grant or startup funds. In these cases, the laptop will become the property of the graduate student researcher and is not covered under the trade-in cycle program or other privileges provided for Rowan-owned workstations. Any specialized software required for the graduate student researcher’s laptop must be submitted for approval through ITAP, paid for with department funds and released to the university once the graduate student researcher leaves the university.
    6. Orders for additional workstations
  4. Hardware Specifications

    1. Hardware specifications as defined in VI.1 are based on the current technology available, combined with the current needs of the end user. The primary considerations for these specifications are:

      1. Ease of connectivity to the Rowan Network

      2. Consistent performance and security of all integrated components of the computer in the Rowan Network environment

      3. Supported by a vendor who is an industry leader with an established track record in manufacturing, sales, and service

      4. Successful in-house testing performance

      5. Able to be managed consistently and remotely

      6. Includes comprehensive warranty

      7. Expected to perform to customer requirements for the full life cycle of the computer/device

  5. Maximum Number of Computers

    1. Employees can only be assigned two (2) computers. For eligible employees defined in Section V.3:

      1. The first computer is paid for by Trade-In Cycle funding from University funds.

      2. The second computer must be approved by the Department and paid for by funding from Department Funds.  

    2. All additional purchases must be approved for acquisition under the Information Technology Acquisition Policy (ITAP).

      1. Faculty Exceptions

        1. Additional machines for research may be purchased from departmental funding with the endorsement of a faculty member’s Dean.

      2. Staff Exceptions

        1. Due to the nature of technology and the work performed in IRT, it may be necessary for IRT employees to have more computers of a higher specification level than the designated limit to perform testing, development, etc. If an IRT employee  requires additional computers, the employee’s supervisor must submit a business case to the IRT Asset Manager for review and final approval. If approved by the IRT Asset Manager:

          1. The cost of the device must come from the supervisor’s operating budget

          2. The purpose of the purchased computer will be noted in the IRT Asset database

          3. The supervisor will be listed as the owner of the device and will be responsible for updating the status of the device, including the assigned user.

  6. Trade-In Cycle Program Eligibility


    Lenovo Desktop

    Lenovo Laptop

    Apple Desktop

    Apple Laptop


    Full Time Tenure Track Faculty

    IRT Funded

    IRT Funded

    Split 1

    Split 1

    Department Funded


    IRT Funded

    Split 2

    Split 2

    Split 2

    Department Funded

    3/4 Time Faculty

    IRT Funded

    Department Funded

    Department Funded

    Department Funded

    Department Funded

    Full Time Staff

    IRT Funded

    Department Funded

    Department Funded

    Department Funded

    Department Funded


    Department Funded

    Department Funded

    Department Funded

    Department Funded

    Department Funded

    Student Workers

    Department Funded

    Department Funded

    Department Funded

    Department Funded

    Department Funded


    Department Funded

    Department Funded

    Department Funded

    Department Funded

    Department Funded


    IRT Funded

    Fully Covered by IRT Trade In Funds

    Split 1

    IRT Covers the part of the cost equivalent to the Lenovo Computer. The remainder is covered by the Department

    Split 2

    IRT covers the cost equivalent to the Lenovo Desktop. The remainder is covered by the Department.

    Department Funded

    Fully Covered by Departmental budget

    1. Full-Time Faculty Positions

      1. New and existing full-time faculty positions are eligible to receive a new Windows computer every four (4) years. Faculty will have a choice of machine among two possible Rowan-supported configurations: one Windows desktop configuration and one Windows laptop configuration. The standard configuration will be high end, state-of-practice and will meet the needs of most faculty members. Purchases are subject to the hardware specifications as defined in VI.1. The number of new computers ordered corresponds directly to the budget allotted for such purchases.

        1. Exemptions

          1. Due to the nature of their respective curricula, full-time faculty members in the following departments may elect to receive an Apple computer as part of the Trade-In Cycle. Purchases are subject to the hardware specifications as defined in VI.1:

            1. Art

            2. Music

            3. Radio, Television, Film

    2. Existing Full-Time Staff

      1. Existing full-time staff are eligible to receive a new Windows Desktop every five (5) years. Purchases are subject to the hardware specifications as defined in VI.1. The number of new computers ordered corresponds directly to the budget allotted for such purchases. A single new monitor will be provided every other Trade-In Cycle. If a user wishes to have dual displays, the cost of the second monitor, as well as any additional equipment, such as cables, must be paid for by funding from Department Funds.

        1. Exceptions

          1. Due to the nature of technology and the work performed in IRT, it may be necessary for IRT employees to receive a computer prior to the end of the five year staff replacement cycle. If an IRT employee requires a computer to be replaced prior to five years, the employee’s supervisor must submit a business case to the IRT Asset Manager for review. The IRT Asset Manager will forward the request to the CIO for final approval.

          2. Certain staff members may require an Apple or Microsoft computer due to the nature of their work. If a staff member who requires an Apple or Microsoft computer, the employee’s supervisor must submit a business case to the IRT Asset Manager for review. The IRT Asset Manager will forward the request to the CIO for final approval. Once approved, the cost of the Apple or Microsoft device will be covered by the employee’s department using Department Funds and paid for following the Departmental Charge Authorization (DCA) process.

      2. During each Trade-In Cycle, a computer is assigned to a position. If a new staff member is replacing someone in an existing position with an existing computer covered under the  Trade-In Cycle-program, the computer stays with that position and remains on its original Trade-In Cycle. IRT will not replace any computer earlier than its Trade-In Cycle end date.

      3. Refusal to accept a trade-in computer at the time it is due for trade-in will result in the user being removed from the Trade-In Cycle. To be placed back on the Trade-In Cycle, the user will have to purchase a machine from Department Funds. The computer will then be replaced after five years with the current standard machine.

    3. New Full-Time Staff Positions

      1. IRT does not provide a computer to a newly-created staff position. When a new position is created, it is the responsibility of the hiring department to purchase a computer for the new employee. The computer ordered should be the same as the current staff standard.  

      2. Departments should notify IRT at the time of ordering that this computer is for a new full-time staff position. Once IRT has been notified, this computer will be added to the Trade-In Cycle and will be scheduled for trade-in in five years.

    4. Part-Time Positions

      1. IRT does not provide a computer for new or existing part-time positions. Part-time positions include part-time staff (e.g. temporary positions, part-time employees, student employees) and part-time faculty (e.g. adjunct faculty)

      2. The purchase of computers for part-time staff or part-time faculty is the responsibility of their respective departments and is not covered under the Trade-In Cycle program.

  7. Trade-in Cycle Timeline

    1. Computers that are covered under the Trade-In Program are replaced according to the following timelines by IRT:

      1. Staff

        1. December – January: Prepare staff Trade-In Cycle list

        2. February – March: Place order for the number of expected machines to be traded-in

        3. March – May: Deliver staff Trade-In Cycle computers

      2. Faculty

        1. June: Review and collate list of faculty trade-in computers for the next academic year.

        2. July: Order computers for inventory based on existing faculty data. These computers will be used to provide new faculty with their computer choices in a timely manner.

        3. August: Contact and review new faculty orders. Orders will be processed and delivered from existing inventory.

        4. October: Replenish inventory based on number of computers used for new faculty orders.

        5. November: Contact existing faculty to begin the ordering process for their trade-in computers.

        6. December – January: Deliver existing faculty trade-in computers

    2. Faculty computers are purchased twice per year after current faculty computer needs are assessed and prioritized and eligible faculty are identified. This list will be collated according to estimated resources. Initial purchase will be used for new faculty hired by the University, while the second will be restocked. Orders for new computers will be scheduled according to the computer Trade-In Cycle.

  8. Ordering and Distribution

  9. IRT will order staff computers based on the number of staff eligible that fiscal year.  Once computers have been configured for campus use, the identified recipients will receive an email from IRT notifying them that their machine is eligible for trade-in and that the IRT Asset Management department will set up an appointment for delivery of the computer. If the eligible staff member declines the computer, they will be removed from the Trade-In Cycle process and it will become the responsibility of the department to replace the computer.

  10. Orders for non-standard computers
    1. will be placed on an as needed basis and will be delivered based on the time it takes to process the order and receive the device from the manufacturer.
  11. Setup, Data Migration and Support

    1. IRT will assist all faculty and staff with moving data to their new computers.

  12. Ownership and Custody

    1. All computers purchased through Rowan computer Trade-In Cycle funds remain the property of Rowan University and are for official University business only. See Rowan University Technology Ownership Policy for more information.

    2. Unless the computer is a laptop, computers are for use at Rowan University physical locations only and are not permitted to leave the campus for home or other use.

    3. Computers that are replaced as part of the Train-In Cycle are, likewise, the property of Rowan University and will be removed from service when new computers are delivered. Failure to turn in equipment that is being replaced will result in the individual being removed from the Trade-In Cycle and it will become the responsibility of the department to replace the computer. Department-replaced computers may then become eligible for trade-in based on the acquisition date of the newer computer.  Trade-In Cycle computers will be provided at the time that the computer that is being replaced is returned to IRT.

  13. Exclusions and Custom Configurations

    1. All computers offered by Rowan University as Trade-In Cycle program are high-end and best in class. Therefore, the Trade-In Cycle program does not provide custom configuration computers, including Apple computers. The purchase of Apple computers or custom configurations is permitted; however, it must be funded from a departmental or grant-funded budget, or for faculty, with Provost approval. See V.3.a.i.1 V.3.b.i.1 for exemptions.

    2. Employees who request computers with computer brands or models that differ from Rowan supported computers are requesting an unsupported custom-configuration computer. Those employees must provide written approval from their Dean or division head that the college or division agrees to provide all acquisition and repair costs for that unsupported custom-configuration computer if the acquisition is approved under ITAP. Custom configuration computers may not be supported by IRT.

    3. High-end computers for research or research faculty are not funded by IRT. There is no Trade-In Cycle for research computers. Refer to Rowan University Research Computing Policy for more information on research computers.

  14. Computer Warranties

    1. The Trade-In Cycle program does not provide replacement computers or trade-ins for lost or destroyed computers.

    2. All Windows computers purchased by the Rowan University Trade-in Cycle come with a four (4) year warranty. All Apple computers purchased by the Rowan University Trade-in Cycle come with a three (3) year warranty.

    3. Any failures outside of the manufacturer warranty are the responsibility of the person or department that the computer is assigned to and will not be covered by IRT. If a machine fails due to normal wear and tear in its fifth year of operation, IRT will make every attempt to replace the computer early or replace it with a refurbished computer.  If the machine is replaced with a refurbished machine, it will maintain its position in the Trade-In Cycle.

    4. The department is responsible for any costs related to warranty repair and costs due to damage outside of normal wear and tear.

  15. Accessories

    1. IRT does not supply any accessories for computers in the Trade-In Cycle program. These accessories include items such as docking stations, printers, wireless keyboards/mice, batteries, carrying cases and adaptors. Any accessories should be paid for by funding from Department Funds.

  16. Asset Management, Inventory, and Tracking

    1. All purchased computers and associated assets are recorded in to the asset management database by IRT and asset data is stored for the lifecycle of the computer.

    2. IRT will perform audits of all technology assets following guidelines defined by the Technology Ownership Policy.

  17. Separation from the University

    1. If an employee separates from the University, it is the responsibility of the department supervisor or chair to collect all technology furnished to the individual by the University. (e.g., laptop, tablet, cell phone).  Department supervisors should utilize the IRT Support Portal to notify IRT of the separation. IRT will collect the equipment and wipe it according to its security procedures. IRT will then re-deploy the equipment to a new employee filling that position, or another position if that position is eliminated.

  18. Reallocation of Computers within a Department

    1. No computer should be re-assigned within a department without notifying IRT.

    2. Computers allocated through Trade-In Cycle are assigned to a position within a department.

    3. Departments cannot reassign a computer to a different position without notifying IRT. If a department reassigns a computer to a position other than the position assigned, the computer will be removed from the Trade-In Cycle.

    4. Any department-owned part-time employee computer or student employee computer is not eligible for trade-in through the Trade-In Cycle program, even if the department re-allocates it to a full-time employee.

  19. End of Lifecycle Equipment

    1. All computers replaced through the Trade-In Cycle funding program must be returned to IRT. They should not be used and will not be supported past the end of the lifecycle defined in the Workstation Use and Security Policy

  20. Personal Computers

    1. IRT does not support or service personal (non-Rowan issued) computers and, therefore, does not replace them.

  21. Computer Security, Health Check and System Updates

    1. All computers or devices must comply with the Workstation Use and Security Policy. This policy includes minimum software and hardware requirements for computers to be permitted for use, security standards to be permitted on the network, and requirements to check in to the Rowan University network to comply with applicable policies.

    2. All University faculty, students, staff, temporary employees, contractors, and outside vendors who have access to University-owned or managed information through any computing system or device must adhere to all University Information Security Policies including, but not limited to the following:

      1. Acceptable Use Policy

      2. Access Control Policy

      3. Incident Management Policy

      4. Mobile Computing and Removable Media Policy

      5. Remote Access Policy

      6. Workstation Use Policy

      7. General User Password Policy

      8. Policy and Standards for Electronic Media Disposal

      9. Transmission Sensitive Information Policy

      10. Encryption Policy

  22. File Storage and Management

    1. Legacy technologies such as Floppy Drives, Zip Drives, and CD drives are no longer considered essential computer storage components. There are more economical and effective alternatives for file storage and management including Google Drive and File Server storage (e.g. H drive, O drive).



    2. Employees who request workstations with workstation brands or models that differ from the Rowan approved workstation standard, or form factors such as a desktop, computing devices running a non-standard operating system such as Linux, etc. are requesting an unsupported custom-configuration workstation. Those employees must provide written approval from their Dean or Vice President that the college or division agrees to provide all acquisition and repair costs for that unsupported custom-configuration workstation if the acquisition is approved under ITAP. Custom configuration workstations may not be supported by IRT.
    3. IRT is committed to ensuring that all technology investments align with the strategic mission and goals of the University. To this end, IRT requires a business case for all non-standard hardware purchase requests made through the Rowan Support Portal. Requests may be revised or denied by IRT if they do not meet the University’s strategic, compliance or budgetary criteria. Decisions may be appealed to the Senior Director of Technology Services who may allow, change or deny the appeal.  
  1. Loaner Workstations
    1. In the event a full-time employee needs a workstation due to a non-functional primary workstation, they may request a loaner workstation through the IRT Loaner Laptop program
    2. In special circumstances, adjunct faculty may be eligible for a short-term loaner workstation through the IRT Loaner Laptop program
  2. Workstation Ownership & Custody
    1. Workstations purchased with University Funds are the property of Rowan University and remain the property of the University for the entire life cycle of the product or service. See Rowan University Technology Ownership Policy for more information.
    2. Workstations in the trade-in cycle will be removed from service when they are replaced. Failure to turn in equipment that is being replaced will result in an employee’s removal from the trade-in cycle program, and it will become the responsibility of the department to replace the workstation. Department-replaced workstations may become eligible for trade-in based on the acquisition date of the newer workstation. Trade-In Cycle workstations will be provided at the time that the workstation that is being replaced is returned to IRT. Other sanctions may be applied as outlined in the Acceptable Use Policy.
    3. IRT reserves the right to retrieve any workstation deemed out of compliance with University policy or to address any operational or security issue that arises, including providing access to any computing resource which may be relevant to an active investigation.
  3. Asset Management, Inventory, and Tracking.      
    1. All workstations and associated assets are recorded in the University's asset management database by IRT and asset data is stored for the lifecycle of the workstation.
    2. All workstations must check into the University asset management system every 60 days. If a workstation issued by the trade-in cycle program is not being utilized for 60 days it may be recalled and repurposed elsewhere. Workstations used for research will be given more flexibility during the summer months with this check-in requirement. 
    3. IRT will perform audits of all technology assets following guidelines defined by the Technology Ownership Policy
      1. Failure to produce assets during an audit may result in the employee being removed from the trade-in cycle program.
  4. Personal Workstations & Computing Devices
    1. IRT does not support or service personal (non-Rowan owned) workstations and, therefore, does not replace them.
  5. Workstation Security, Health Check & System Updates
    1. All workstations or devices must comply with the Workstation Use and Security Policy. This policy includes minimum software and hardware requirements for workstations to be permitted for use, security standards to be permitted on the network, and requirements to check in to the Rowan Network to comply with applicable policies.
    2. All University faculty, students, staff, temporary employees, contractors, and outside vendors who have access to University-owned or managed information through any computing system or device must adhere to all University Information Security policies including, but not limited to the following:
      1. Acceptable Use Policy
      2. Access Control Policy
      3. Incident Management Policy
      4. Mobile Computing and Removable Media Policy
      5. Remote Access Policy
      6. Workstation Use Policy
      7. General User Password Policy
      8. Policy and Standards for Electronic Media Disposal
      9. Transmission Sensitive Information Policy
      10. Encryption Policy


Any University workstation that deviates from the standards defined in this policy must be brought into compliance. If a workstation is not brought into compliance with the standards of this policy, the workstation will be removed from service or blocked from accessing internet and Rowan Network resources.


  1. Standard Laptop - Lenovo X1 Carbon 6th Generation 
    1. Processor: Intel Core i7-7600U Processor (4MB Cache, up to 3.90GHz) 
    2. Hard Drive: 512 GB Solid State Drive, PCIe-NVMe OPAL2.0 
    3. Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 620 
    4. Warranty: Four year Depot or Carry-in 
    5. Memory: 16GB LPDDR3 1866 
    6. Operating System: Windows 10 Home 64 
    7. Bluetooth: Bluetooth Version 4.1 
    8. Rowan 4 Year Accidental Damage Warranty 
  2. Standard Desktop - Lenovo ThinkCentre M720s 
    1. Processor: 8th Generation Intel Core i7-8700 (3.20GHz, up to 4.60GHz with Turbo Boost, 12MB Cache) 
    2. Operating System: Windows 10 Home 64 
    3. Operating System Language: Windows 10 Home 64 English 
    4. Form Factor: 85% 210Watt Power supply unit 
    5. Memory: 16GB (8GB + 8GB) DDR4 2666MHz 
    6. Video Adapter: Integrated Intel HD Graphic card 
    7. First Hard Drive: 256GB Solid State Drive, 2.5", SATA3, Opal - Capable 
    8. Networking: Integrated Intel Gigabit Ethernet 
    9. Rowan 4-Year Warranty


  1.  2.2GHz 6-core 8th-generation Intel Core i7 processor 
  2. Turbo Boost up to 4.1GHz 
  3. Radeon Pro 555X with 4GB of GDDR5 memory 
  4. 16GB 2400MHz DDR4 memory 
  5. 256GB SSD storage
  6. Retina display with True Tone 
  7. Four Thunderbolt 3 ports 


By Direction of the CIO:

Mira Lalovic-Hand,
SVP and Chief Information Officer