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Title: Building of Structures, Camping, and Outdoor Residence on Campus
Subject: Public Safety
Policy No:  PS: 2024: 01
Applies: University-Wide
Issuing Authority:  President
Responsible Officer:  Assistant Vice President of Safety and Emergency Services
Adopted: 08/25/2024
Last Revision:  08/25/2024
Last Reviewed: 



 To establish general requirements related to camping and the building and/or installation of temporary structures on University Property by students, recognized student organizations, and employees.  Camping and the construction of structures intended for short or long term residences are prohibited on University Property.  Construction of other structures by individual students and employees is generally prohibited unless specifically authorized in accordance with this policy.


Student or Employee applying for the Application for Erection of a Temporary Structure under this policy who, by applying, indicates that they are responsible for the orderly construction, operation, and decommissioning of the temporary structure and will bear the applicable consequences for violations of this Policy. 


  1. General Provisions
    1. Camping or the construction of an Outdoor Residence is prohibited on University property.
    2. The building of temporary structures by persons and departments other than University Facilities and Operation is generally prohibited except as specifically permitted in accordance with this policy.
    3. The University will permit building of certain limited structures on University property by students, recognized student organizations, and employees under special circumstances with prior written approval from the Assistant Vice President of Public Safety, the Vice President of Student Life/Dean of Students, and the Vice President of Facilities and Operations as outlined in this policy in accordance with the Procedures outlined below.
    4. Unless specifically approved, open flames, open flame devices and open burning are prohibited on University Property.
  2. Procedure for Application for Erection of a Temporary Structure by students, recognized student organizations, and employees
    1. In accordance with constitutional rights of freedom of expression, symbolic structures representing constitutionally protected expression may be erected by students, recognized student organizations, and employees (“Permit Eligible Individuals”) in the areas designated for structures on certain campuses after obtaining a permit for construction. Please be advised that an Individual must be designated on the Permit Application as the “Responsible Individual.”
      1. Glassboro Campus:
        1. Gazebo area near the Student Center
        2. Common area between the Wellness Center and Student Center
      2. Stratford Campus: near the fountain adjacent to the Academic Center
      3. Other Campuses: at this time, there are no appropriate outdoor sites in Camden with sufficient space for construction of structures.
      4. The University reserves the right to modify the above-referenced locations based on University needs and the development of additional university space.
    2. Registration for a permit shall be initiated in the Office of the Vice President for Student Life by completing the Permit Form at least seven (7) days prior to the requested structure installation date.
      1. Permits for the erection of such temporary structures shall be issued after proper registration on a first-come first-served basis unless it is determined that the approval would result in interference with the public health and/or public safety or in unreasonable interference with the operations and/or use of university buildings or grounds.
      2. The duration of a permit shall not exceed fourteen (14) consecutive days.
    3. Permit Eligible Individuals who are issued permits shall abide by the following terms:
      1. Structures shall be erected only within the above-described area and restricted to the boundaries indicated by the University.
      2. Symbolic structures shall not exceed fifteen (15) square feet at the base, eight (8) feet in height, nor be located less than twenty-four (24) feet from any other structure.
      3. Structures shall not be inhabited, slept in, camped in or used as shelters.
      4. Persons to whom permits have been granted (“Permit holders”) shall be personally responsible for any symbolic structure erected.
      5. Permit holders shall maintain the structure and immediately surrounding area in such manner and by such means as will leave the area unimpaired and free from trash, garbage and litter.
      6. Signs, posters, placards, and banners shall not be attached to any trees, shrubs or buildings. Symbolic structures shall not be affixed to the grounds or any trees, shrubs or buildings.
      7. Individuals who have erected structures or directed the erection of structures are responsible for and liable to the University for the costs of removal, storage or other disposition of any structure which is impounded/removed by the University for violation of any of these guidelines.
      8. The number of individuals present at the approved location shall not exceed the approved number identified on the permit.
      9. Violation of the terms of any permit by a permit holder may result in disciplinary action and other action in accordance with applicable policy and law.
    4. Any permit may be revoked or modified if the activities of the participants interfere with the public health and/or safety or unreasonably interfere with the operations or use of University buildings or grounds or if the terms and conditions of the permit are violated. Structures may be immediately removed in such cases by the University and the cost of such removal may be assessed to the Responsible Individual. 
    5. Every effort will be made to complete the processing of the registration for a permit expeditiously but not later than three (3) weekdays.
  3. Compliance with Procedure
    1. Any person who is found in violation of this policy will be asked to vacate the premises immediately. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary or administrative action, as appropriate, up to and including termination and expulsion in accordance with applicable University policies and procedures.
    2. Any person in violation of this or any other University policy or procedure may be removed and/or prosecuted for trespass, disorderly conduct, or other offenses under applicable federal or New Jersey law.


Attachment 1 - Building of Structures – Application for Permit


Building of Structures
Application for Permit


Full Legal Name of Applicant:                                                      (“Responsible Individual”)                                         


General Information (Please Initial indicating your agreement):

_____  I understand that registration for a permit shall be initiated in the Office of the Vice President for Student Life by completing the Permit Form at least seven (7) days prior to the requested structure installation date.

_____  I understand that permits shall be issued after proper registration on a first-come first-served basis unless it is determined that the approval would result in interference with the public the public health and/or public safety or in unreasonable interference with the operations and/or use of university buildings or grounds.

_____  I understand that the duration of a permit shall not exceed fourteen (14) consecutive days.


I understand that with a permit I am responsible to abide by the following:

_____  I am responsible for adhering to all criteria and responsibilities contained in Policy PS: 2024: 01.

_____  Structures shall be erected only within the above-described area and restricted to the boundaries indicated.

_____  Symbolic structures shall not exceed fifteen (15) square feet at the base, eight (8) feet in height, nor be located less than twenty-four (24) feet from any other structure.

_____  Structures shall not be inhabited, slept in, camped in or used as shelters.

_____  Persons to whom permits have been granted (“Permit holders”) shall be personally responsible for any symbolic structure erected.

_____  Permit holders shall maintain the structure and immediately surrounding area in such manner and by such means as will leave the area unimpaired and free from trash, garbage  garbage and litter. Failure to do so will result in the issuance of billing for services required to address the concerns and restore the area(s).

_____   Signs, posters, placards, and banners shall not be attached to any trees, shrubs or buildings. Symbolic structures shall not be affixed to the grounds or any trees, shrubs or buildings.

_____   Individuals who have erected structures or directed the erection of structures are responsible for and liable to the University for the costs of removal, storage or other disposition other disposition of any structure which is impounded/removed by the University for violation of any of these guidelines.

_____   The number of individuals present at the approved location shall not exceed the approved number (if applicable).

_____   Violation of the terms of any permit by a permit holder may result in disciplinary action and other action in accordance with applicable policy and law. 

_____   Any permit may be revoked or modified if the activities of the participants interfere with the public health and/or safety or unreasonably interfere with the operations or use of University buildings or grounds or if the terms and conditions of the permit are violated.

_____   Every effort will be made to complete the processing of the registration for a permit expeditiously but not later than three (3) class days.

_____   Any person who is found in violation of this policy will be asked to vacate the premises immediately.  Failure to do so will result in disciplinary or administrative action, as appropriate, up to and including termination and expulsion in accordance with applicable University policies and procedures.

_____   Any person in violation of this or any other University policy or procedure may be removed and/or prosecuted for trespass, disorderly conduct, or other offenses under federal or New Jersey law.


Signature                                                                                                           Date



Date Received:                                                 


Signature (VP Facilities)                                                                                                                                                                           Date