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  1. Rowan University recognizes that Greek social organizations can provide significant positive experiences for development of student morals, ethics, academic endeavors, volunteerism, and social enrichment. The Office of Greek Affairs at Rowan University can only grant recognition and consider those groups that are affiliated with a National or International organization and meet the regulations established by the United States Department of Education.
  2. To ensure that the expansion of a new or returning Greek social organization occurs in a manner that is consistent and conducive to the policies and mission statement of Rowan University, any group that identifies as a Greek social organization and that wishes to be recognized by the Office of Greek Affairs, will need to follow this policy. Any group wishing to colonize at Rowan University will be provided with the opportunity for successful colonization through a process that is a meaningful and rewarding experience for our existing Greek community.
  3. If the request is denied at any stage in the process, the interest group will not be permitted to reapply for the remainder of that semester and one additional full semester from the initial request date. Each governing body/council will recognize no more than one interest group as a colony within the governing body/council at one time. Therefore, the governing body/council will not be allowed to expand further until the interest group or colony has become a chartered chapter or has disbanded. If a council consists of both fraternities and sororities, the council may recognize one colonizing fraternity and sorority concurrently. An approved interest group has two full semesters to establish a colony or founding class and four full semesters to charter. 


  1. For the addition of social Greek letter organizations, the expansion process can begin by any one of the following methods:
    1. An interested group of four or more students submit a letter requesting to establish a new or previously recognized national chapter on our campus to the Office of Greek Affairs.
    2. Through reviewing a formal petition for recognition by an organization coming off a disciplinary loss of University and/or National recognition.
    3. Formal expansion is deemed appropriate by the governing council and national Greek organizations will be invited by the University to participate in this process.


  1. For a New GCOC, NPHC or IFC International/National Chapter
    1. Upon receiving a written request to establish a new international/national chapter, the Office of Greek Affairs will initiate the following:
      1. First, the Office of Greek Affairs must grant approval for the request to be reviewed and submitted.
      2. Once approval from the Office of Greek Affairs has been granted, the appropriate local Greek governing body/ council(s), (IGC, IFC, NPHC, or GCOC), will be notified of the expansion in the Greek community.
      3. Upon approval from the Office of Greek Affairs and notification to the local Greek governing body/council(s), the interest group requesting a chapter will provide the Office of Greek Affairs with the information on the "Application for Recognition as a Greek Organization" for review. The Office of Greek Affairs will review the required application and make a recommendation regarding the request for expansion. It is the responsibility of the interest group and/or person(s) applying for expansion to adhere to all policies and procedures as outlined in the Rowan University Student Code of Conduct and Greek Handbook as a condition for expansion consideration.
      4. After reviewing the recommendation and consulting with the Office of Greek Affairs, the appropriate University Administrator (usually the Associate Vice President for Student Life) will make a final determination on the expansion request.
  2. For Expansion through National Panhellenic Conference (NPC):
    1. When a number of female students are unable to affiliate with the existing chapters, the NPC governing body may wish to either raise the chapter total or add another NPC sorority. The National Panhellenic Conference's governing body will use the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) Extension procedures, as outlined in the NPC Manual of Information, as a guide when deciding to expand the number of sororities. The NPC area advisor and NPC Extension Committee Chairperson should be consulted regarding the options.
      1. The NPC governing body must be notified at a NPC meeting that there is an interest for expanding at the University.
      2. Each sorority must consult their national/local advisor about expansion.
      3. At the following NPC meeting, each organization gets one vote to accept or reject the possibility of expanding with a new Panhellenic sorority.
        1. If the Panhellenic majority vote is YES, the NPC is notified and a letter of information is sent to international/national sororities to solicit interest in extension at Rowan University. Consideration will be given to NPC chapters that have previously been at the campus and/or have letters of interest on file with the Office of Greek Affairs.
          1. From the organizations returning a letter of interest, the NPC governing council selects those it wishes to make presentations.
          2. Arrangements are made with each selected group for a campus presentation.
          3. After the presentations, the NPC governing council decides what organization meets the needs of the campus and issues an invitation.
          4. The NPC organization interested in applying for recognition must then follow the guidelines set for recognizing a new international/national chapter under Section A "For a New International/National Chapter.
        2. If the Panhellenic majority vote is NO, there will be no further action taken concerning extension.
          1. Even if there are women on campus interested in expanding an NPC organization, if there are no NPC organizations interested in expanding to Rowan University, no further action can take place.
  3. For a Recognized but Inactive Chapter:
    1. Greek organizations with no active undergraduate Rowan University student members are deemed inactive. In order to regain active status the organization will need to do the following
      1. For a Chapter that has been inactive for less than two consecutive academic years, the Chapter will not be required to recolonize but must submit a completed "Application for Recognition as a Greek Organization" in order to ensure that Chapter information is current with the Office of Greek Affairs.
      2. For a Chapter that has been inactive for two or more consecutive academic years, the Chapter will be required to recolonize following the procedures under Section A "For a New International/National Chapter."
  4. For a Previously Suspended National Chapter:
    1. Greek organizations whose recognition was suspended will not be permitted to apply for renewed recognition until a minimum of four years from the date which their recognition was suspended, unless otherwise noted by the University at the time of suspension/closing. Upon receiving a written request to establish a previously recognized national chapter, the Office of Greek Affairs will initiate the following:
      1. A meeting will be scheduled with the Office of Greek Affairs to discuss possible reorganization. A request for recognition must be submitted to the Office of Greek Affairs prior to the meeting. The request must include but is not limited to: a statement explaining the reason for suspending/closing the chapter, a new primary chapter advisor, no involvement from the members who were involved in the incident, and confirming payment of any money owed to Rowan University or the governing council.
      2. Once approval from the Office of Greek Affairs has been granted, the appropriate local Greek governing body/council(s), (IGC, IFC, NPC, NPHC, or GCOC), will be notified of expansion in the Greek community by a previously suspended organization.
      3. Upon approval from the Office of Greek Affairs and notification to the local Greek governing body/council(s), the interest group requesting a chapter will provide the Office of Greek Affairs with the information on the "Application for Recognition as a Greek Organization" for review. The Office of Greek Affairs will review the required application information and make a recommendation regarding the request for expansion. It is the responsibility of the interest group and/or person(s) applying for expansion to adhere to all policies and procedures as outlined in the Rowan University Student Code of Conduct and Greek Handbook as a condition for expansion consideration.
      4. For a Chapter that has been suspended for less than five consecutive academic years, the Chapter will not be required to recolonize but must submit a completed "Application for Recognition as a Greek Organization" in order to ensure that Chapter information is current with the Office of Greek Affairs.
      5. For a Chapter that has been suspended for more than five or more consecutive academic years, the Chapter will be required to recolonize following the procedures under Section A "For a New International/National Chapter
      6. After reviewing the recommendation and consulting with the Office of Greek Affairs, the appropriate University Administrator (usually the Associate Vice President for Student Life) will make a final determination on the expansion request. 
