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Title: Protocol for Hiring Internal Candidates
Subject: Human Resources
Policy No: HR: 2015:01
Applies: University-Wide
Issuing Authority: Executive Vice President
Responsible Officer: Associate Vice President Employee & Labor Relations
Adopted: 01/27/2015
Last Revision:
Last Reviewed:


The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance for University departments hiring internal candidates to ensure the disruption to the candidate's current department is minimized.


Under the direction of the Executive Vice President, the Associate Vice President Employee & Labor Relations (Chief Human Resources Officer) shall ensure compliance and implementation of this policy.


This policy applies to full-time non-faculty employees at University.


A. Rowan University often offers the opportunity for advancement to its full-time employees working in administrative positions not only within departments but also via applying for openings in other departments and divisions. This is an important opportunity not just for the employee but for the University, because it allows for the full utilization of ability and reduces the risk that quality employees will leave the University. But the loss of employees to their current department and division can cause needless disruption of vital functions. At the same time, the vacancy in a position gives the manager and the University the opportunity to make strategic choices about whether the duties of the position should be redefined to better fit the evolving needs of the department. The responsibility of those making hiring decisions therefore includes responsibility for minimizing wherever possible the disruption to the candidate's current department.


2. Before any position is posted, the head of the department posting the position ("hiring manager") must obtain approval from the Human Resources Department for a salary range and title for the position. Before the terms of possible employment are discussed with a candidate for that position (whether or not currently employed by Rowan), the hiring manager must obtain final approval from both the head of his/her division ("division manager") and the Human Resources Department in writing for the specific salary and title. This is to promote salary equity within the University across units and ensure that if a salary increase is to result for a current employee, it is the result of material increases in the requirements and/or responsibilities of the position. In case of disagreement, the matter may be presented to the Office of the President for final decision.

3. After the hiring manager has determined that a current Rowan University employee is the best candidate for the position but before any offer (verbal or written) to hire that employee may be made, the hiring manager must contact the employee's current supervisor to discuss the employee's current performance, and review the employee's performance evaluations. Employees who have requested confidentiality as part of the application process must be told that because they are a finalist for the position that they will not be eligible for appointment unless their current supervisors can be contacted for performance evaluations and their performance evaluations read. If they do not consent, their candidacy for the position will be terminated.

4. To minimize the disruption of services when a current employee is hired into a new department, the department head hiring the employee (the "hiring manager") must in every instance discuss the candidate's move with the employee's current department head to make the move as seamless as possible. This discussion must occur before the employee's final date in the current position (or start date in the new department) is finalized with the employee. Agreement on a start date must be reached between the two that is workable and feasible for both departments. If the two managers cannot reach agreement on the effective date, the managers' supervisors must make the decision. While the university's needs are paramount, any decisions must include consideration of the implications to a current Rowan University employee of any delay in the appointment.
