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Title: Situation Threat Assessment Policy and Protocol
Subject: Student Life
Policy No: SL:2019:01
Applies: University-Wide
Issuing Authority:  President
Responsible Officer:  Vice President of Student Life/Dean of Students
Adopted: 07/01/2016
Last Revision: 0307/2529/20222024 
Last Reviewed: 0308/2501/20222023



The purpose of this policy is to establish procedures for addressing students who pose a significant risk to the safety of any student or campus community due to mental, emotional, medical, or psychological health conditions or other serious concerns.


  1. Rowan University is committed to promoting a safe and secure learning environment. It is intended that all useful management strategies be employed to identify and prevent incidents of campus violence, reduce the effects of violence on victims, and provide consequences to those who threaten or perpetrate violence. The University will use available resources within the Division of Student Life in responding to alleged threats or acts of violence by students.
  2. Rowan University’s Situation Threat Assessment Team (STAT) assists in individually evaluating and documenting situations where students are displaying disruptive or threatening behaviors that may impede their own or others’ ability to function successfully or safely in an educational setting. The process is designed to identify persons whose behaviors may endanger their own or others' health and safety.
  3. STAT consists of University personnel with expertise in law enforcement/threat assessment/tactical applications, mental health, medical knowledge, and student affairs. A collaborative process to assess threats will be used, and, depending on the situation, personnel with areas of specialization/responsibility may be called upon to assist the team. Other individuals may also be consulted to share expertise or other pertinent information.
  4. For the safety of the campus community, any threat, explicit or implied, will be considered a statement of intent. The STAT will recommend actions to the Vice President of Student Life/Dean of Students. This team has been established to:
    1. Respond to threats of any kind that include harassmentharm to person(s), use of weaponry, physical altercations, destruction of property, or any behavior that poses a risk to self or others.
    2. Initiate contact with appropriate authorities to place a student in the custody of a mental health facility capable of supporting specific behaviors.
    3. Evaluate concerns and assess likelihood of physical harm.
    4. Coordinate information from faculty, administrators, students, and local authorities.
    5. Investigate the incident(s) and recommend appropriate actions, which may include suspension, expulsion, involuntary leave of absence, filing of criminal charges, or ongoing monitoring for follow-up and observation of behavior patterns;.
    6. Identify resources for troubled students of concern and make referrals to appropriate campus and off-campus agencies; help secure therapeutic actions that are appropriate, such as treatment or counseling, hospitalization, and external psychological evaluations.
    7. Notify, within FERPA guidelines and other applicable laws, parents, guardians and/or emergency contacts.
    8. Periodically assess outcomes of actions taken, and develop strategies for risk reduction.
    9. Make recommendations for resolution of specific incidents as well as recommendations for improvements to general procedures.


  1. Faculty, staff, and students should immediately report any situation that could result in harm to anyone at the University. Any member of the campus community may become aware of a student or situation that is causing serious anxiety, stress, or fear and, if so, the reporting party should immediately call the :
    1. The Department of Public Safety & Emergency Management at 856-256-4922 or
    the Vice
    1. The Vice President of Student Life/Dean of Students at (856) 256-4283.
    1. In all cases of emergencies relating to health/safety requiring immediate attention, public safety should be contacted. 
  2. The Vice The Vice President of Student Life/Dean of Students (or designee), will initially review the report and, if appropriate, convene the STAT. The STAT shall be comprised of the:
    1. Vice President of Student Life/Dean of Students
    , the Director of the Wellness Center, the Associate Director of Counseling and Psychological Services, the General Counsel or designee, the Vice President of Student Affairs, and other relevant individuals based upon the situation under consideration
    1. (Chair)
    2. Assistant Vice President for Health and Wellbeing
    3. Vice President of Student Affairs
    4. Assistant Vice President of Public Safety and Office of Emergency Management
    5. General Counsel or designee
    6. Other personnel may participate based upon established need.
  3. Once a report is received, the following preliminary investigative information will be collected by the Vice President of Student Life/Dean of Students and/or other members of the STAT appropriate/necessary to complete the preliminary investigation as expeditiously as possible:
    1. Relevant information from interviews;
    2. Student disciplinary history;
    3. Student’s current enrollment status and residential situation;
    4. Other relevant information as deemed appropriate to assure the safety of the University community.
  4. The team will meet on an as needed basis to review reports concerning disruptive, inappropriate, and/or threatening behavior. All information received by or related to the activities of the STAT will be maintained by the Vice President of Student Life/Dean of Students. This information will be treated as confidential in accordance with FERPA and other applicable laws. Information collected by the STAT will be released only as required by law or permitted by law under exigent circumstances.
  5. Once the team has concluded its investigation, the team will issue a recommendation to the Vice President of Student Life/Dean of Students. The Vice President of Student Life/Dean of Students reserves the right to disagree with the recommendations of the team and implement other action consistent with the Student Code of Conduct and/or in the best interest of campus safety, as appropriate. In such a case, a revised recommendation will be prepared by the team.
  6. Some disruptive students may have emotional or mental disorders. Although such students may be considered disabled and are protected under the Rehabilitation Act (ADA), they are held to the same standards of conduct as any student.