Title: Tobacco-Free Workplace – Stratford Campus
Subject: Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine (RowanSOM)
Policy No: SOM: 2017: 01
Applies: RowanSOM
Issuing Authority: President
Responsible Officer: Dean of RowanSOM
Adopted: 07/01/2012
Last Revision:
Last Reviewed: 01/XX/2017
The purpose of this policy is to set guidelines for the RowanSOM/Stratford Campus regarding a tobacco-free environment for all employees, faculty, students, patients and visitors in order to ensure and sustain a clean, healthy, productive and safe workplace for all.
At the direction of the President, the Dean of RowanSOM shall implement this policy. It is the responsibility of all faculty, staff and students to encourage the tobacco-free workplace policy of the Stratford Campus. All supervisory faculty and staff members will ensure that the individuals they supervise, including students or residents assigned to their areas, comply with this policy. The Department of Public Safety will be accountable for monitoring University property to ensure compliance with the policy.
This policy applies to all employees, faculty, students, patients and visitors to the Stratford Campus and other sites operated by RowanSOM or Rowan Medicine.
- The Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine (RowanSOM) Stratford Campus has been tobacco free since July 1, 2012.
- Smoking or tobacco use of any kind, which includes but is not limited to smoking (e.g., cigarettes, pipes, cigars, hookah, etc.) and/or using smokeless tobacco (e.g., snuff, snus, chew-gutka, jarda, betel quid, e cigarettes etc.) is strictly prohibited anywhere on the RowanSOM Stratford Campus, on properties operated by Rowan Medicine, and on properties leased by the RowanSOM that are adjacent or proximal to the Campus including:
- Inside all facilities
- All doorways and entrances
- Parking lots and receiving docks
- Grounds, driveways and sidewalks
- Satellite locations that are not adjacent to the Campus are encouraged but not required to conform to this policy. Tobacco-free signage and informational materials will be provided to satellite locations upon request.
- New Employees, faculty and students will be informed about this policy through correspondence including fact sheets, e-mails, orientation and training, and signs posted on Campus. A copy of this policy will be distributed to all future faculty, employees and students and will be posted on Rowan University's University Policy website.
- Patients, family members and visitors will be informed about this policy through fact sheets, public websites and posted signs throughout the Campus.
- Faculty, employees and students who smoke are not required to quit smoking, but Employee/Student Health in the Department of Family Medicine, Rowan School of Osteopathic Medicine, will assist those who wish to quit using tobacco by facilitating access to recommended tobacco cessation programs and/or material s. Tobacco cessation and awareness programs, behavioral modification tools, referrals, and resources will be made available to employees, faculty and students who desire to stop tobacco use.
- Employees, faculty and students who choose to use tobacco products must do so on their regularly scheduled breaks or meal periods and off RowanSOM property and proximal/adjacent properties rented by RowanSOM and/or Rowan Medicine.
- Faculty and employees who repeatedly violate provisions of this policy will be reported to their supervisors and standard disciplinary procedures will be followed. Students who violate provisions of this policy will be reported to the responsible assistant or associate dean.
- If patients refuse to comply with the Stratford Campus Tobacco-Free Workplace Policy, if applicable, the physician responsible for the patient's care will be informed. Informational resources will be made available to patients who desire to stop tobacco use.
- Visitors who refuse to comply with the Stratford Campus Tobacco-Free Workplace Policy will be reported to the Department of Public Safety for follow-up action.
- The Department of Public Safety will monitor University property to ensure compliance with the policy.