Title: Course Repeat Policy – Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (GSBS)
Subject: Academic Affairs
Policy No: AA:2013:02
Applies: Rowan GSBS Students
Issuing Authority: Dean, RowanSOM
Responsible Officer: Rowan GSBS Senior Associate Dean
Adopted: 7/01/2013
Last Revision: 2/17/2022
Last Reviewed: 2/17/2022
This policy defines the Course Repeat Policy for all students in the GSBS.
Under the direction of the GSBS Senior Associate Dean, the Program Director(s) shall ensure compliance with and implement this policy.
This policy applies to all GSBS students.
GSBS allows students to repeat courses under specific, limited conditions. All course repeats require approval, and a student will be unable to re-register for a course without approval. If permitted, a course may be repeated only once, and only two courses may be repeated during a student’s enrollment. This policy includes courses taken while in a non-matriculated status.
Repetition of any course results in both the original grade and the new grade appearing on the transcript. Effective for implementation in spring 2021, the highest grade is included in grade point average and crediting purposes; previously only the most recent grade was included. This is not retroactive to previous terms. Students repeating a course, including courses from which they withdrew, must re-register for the course and are subject to paying tuition for that course.
All students re-registering for a course, including courses from which they withdrew, must receive a Repeat Waiver from the Program Director before they will be permitted to self-register for the course. To request a Repeat Waiver, contact the Program Director. Receiving the waiver may require a meeting with the Program Director to discuss the reasons for the repeat and the student’s progress in the program.